Chapter 5: Past

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------------- Percy's POV: -------------

The lights came to a stop. My tired eyes felt like two canyons on my face so much so I couldn't even admire the manor we'd pulled up in front of.

My head snapped to the side, my body going stiff as the door opened without me doing anything. Alfred suddenly appeared, one arm reaching down probably to grab the handle, the other extended out as if presenting me a path. "Welcome Mistress Percy, this is where you shall be staying now." I paused for a moment. It only really seemed to sink in just now that my "uncle" had a butler.

Carefully I scooched myself until I was outside the car, my body continuing to walk as I neglected the entrance. None of it mattered anyways really.

Alfred walked beside me, and I could feel Bruce's gaze on my back, he wasn't walking towards the house, just observing.

As we reached the door Alfred opened it up with a click, the thick wooden chunk creaking open to reveal a dark interior, the place was almost entirely lit by the moonlight coming in through the massive windows. I gave a small prayer to Artemis silently.

"We have dinner prepared if you're hungry" His voice was quiet as he stopped, turning on his heels to face towards me. "I can collect you a plate if you like." He offered, extending a hand out towards one of the rooms. I turned, spotting a large dinner table covered in snacks and plates, half filled cups littering the smooth wood. It was a mess.

"No thank you, I think I'd just like to sleep." I spoke quietly, afraid to break the delicate silence. He nodded once before turning and walking once more. I assume he was taking me to the room I'd be staying in so I followed slowly, keeping my footsteps nearly silent.

As we began walking on the steps I could hear music coming from a room down one of the halls, the upbeat-ness of it made my jaw clench.

As we reached the top of the stairs I glanced to the side, looking back over the entrance hall. Bruce stood near the doorway, eyes planted on me with a melancholy look splattered across his features.

I pursed my lips, turning and picking up the pace to catch back up to Alfred.

We walked in silence, his footsteps echoing throughout the dead silent hallway. We passed lots of fancy looking doors, only three that we passed possessed gold plates on them, names each inscribed on them.

"Richard G." The first name to appear, his looked the most regal, but it also looked the most worn down, scratches and nicks appearing all over the gold. It was even missing the top left screw.

"Jason T." Was the next name, his had small bits of black paint speckled throughout, probably coming from the black stain the door carried. I could tell because it was almost unnoticeable in the dark hallways if not for it's shiny plate. His lettering was rough and bold, something that made it stick out compared to the first.

"Timothy D." The final name written in gold in this hallway, his name shone, practically pristine as it glittered in the light from the window across from it, it's elegant hand writing matched beautifully with the gold.

We didn't walk much further then that, arriving eventually to a plate-less door, the deep wood boring and looking almost naked without the stunning accessory.

Alfred stopped, once again turning towards me with his calm demeanor. "Here we are Mistress Percy, feel free to use anything in the room. It is now your room anyways. If you'd like anything feel free to let me know, we can provide the furnishings to you as soon as possible." I only nodded, turning towards the door and turning the handle delicately.

The door swung open without a noise, revealing a massive room that would make anyone jealous. The bed had to be in a league of it's own with single handedly the most comfortable looking sheets I'd ever laid eyes on, it's stunning craftsmanship apparent even in this nearly lightless room. I turned back to Alfred, waiting for him to tell me 'oops, wrong room, let me bring you to the storage closet down the hall.' but no sentence came, instead he looked at me inquisitively.

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