Chapter 12: Past

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-------------Percy's POV: ---------------


I'd woken up to this word more than once in my brief stay at the manor. Usually, the word rang out in the middle of the night, when no one should be up. The next morning I would notice that everyone was tired, especially Bruce and Tim. It also wasn't hard to notice the band-aids and bandages now, especially when it came to the black eye that came from "running into a tree" from Dick who then immediately proceeded to leave in a flash and pretend I'd never asked this question.

Tonight though, well I'd had enough.

I got up with a rush, keeping my footsteps as quiet as I could, I threw my door open, catching it before it could slam against the wall and then turning back towards the others doors in the hall.

I listened intently but apparently I didn't need to figure out who's room it was because a man walked out of Jason's room. He groaned as he held his head, the moonlight displayed the bright red and gold contrasting the black sections. I felt my eyes widen as he looked at me, his body freezing on the spot.

It was Jason, he was dressed as the vigilante heroes that ran around gotham.


"You fuckers- I caught you!" A smile was the first thing that came on my face before I realized the language I'd used. Mom would've killed me, but what can I say? Being around people who curse so much tends to have that affect on you.

Jason put his hands towards me as I heard his small mumbles of 'what do I do?' ' They'll kill me' Once he settled down he took a deep breath, placing a hand on his head.

"Just- oh God, uh, whatever you do, don't tell Tim or Dick, especially don't tell Bruce, I'll be murdered!" Jason walked over, and as he got closer I could see the details in his outfit, the heavy materials, the embroidered "R" ((AN: I know, I know, Tim comes after Jason dies yada yada, but for this I'm going to have him die while Percy's gone. Like it or not, I'm sorry but that's just how this'll roll. It'll add more spice)) was a bright contrast against the deeper yellow of his suit.

"So is it just you or is the man I saw jump in tim's room a few weeks ago actually Tim just gaslighting me?" Jason bared his teeth, seemingly trying to contemplate how much of this operation he was willing to give away.

"Gaslight is such a strong word." he shut his eyes, his arms stuck somewhere between a shrug and a punch. I could feel my breathing pick up as my own hands clenched into fists.

I'd told Tim about something from my past, something that truly meant something to me, only for him to slap me in the face?

"So what? this is just a huge family thing?" I asked, trying my best to suppress my anger. Jason looked around, sighing. He quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me with him into his room. He turned on the lights, illuminating his dirty and dark room, clothes were strewn about, some pieces of uniform from school, others just hoodies and clothes I've seen him wear after school and on the weekends.

He sat me down on his beanbag as he began pacing around. "Okay okay, I'll give a brief explanation," he paused, smacking himself in the head with his hands as if beating himself up. I would've felt bad if they hadn't lied straight to my face for the past few months. I mean seriously, Tim convinced me into believing I didn't see a man enter his window. He got me to reveal secrets about Gabe.

I could feel my blood boiling beneath my skin.

"-Right okay, let's just get this started. Uhhhh so I'm Robin, Tim is ALSO Robin, but a different color, Dick is Nightwing-"

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