Chapter 41: Past

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——————-Percy's POV:——————

The rhythmic beeping from the machines accompanied my miserable sniffling like a sick melody, becoming the backdrop for the horrifically dark setting I found myself in.

My hand was clenched tight around Tim's limp hand. My face was warm with tears as I watched Tim with an aching heart. He looked so peaceful and it only seemed to make me feel worse.

After many extremely rough and long surgeries the doctors gave the clear that Tim would make it, something I'd spent the entirety of sobbing until I physically couldn't anymore. Now Tim slept, he hadn't awoken since the accident and I refused to leave his side until he did. Until I could apologize for what I'd done.

I felt trapped, I couldn't tell them that every bad thing that had happened from my own accident to the breaking in of the house was all my fault. I'd attracted the monsters, I'd led to Tim getting injured. If I'd ran faster, or been more adamant about Tim staying put then maybe I would be here instead of him. But that was all second place to my existence. Me being here at all was a danger to the boys that I'd refused to acknowledge till it almost killed someone.

My hand clenched tighter onto Tim's as another painful sob wracked through my body. It was night, Dick and Jason had gone down for food. Dick had tried to joke before he left saying "don't go anywhere Percy." But he'd received a hard jab from Jason when I didn't laugh.

The boys left during the night and during the day, but I couldn't bring myself to leave his side, even when he was in the surgeries I sat downstairs, my foot pattering endlessly as I cried. People tried to console me, it worked for a moment, maybe two, but when they left I collapsed all over again. It was like putting a band-aid on a broken dam (pun definitely not intended). It could only help momentarily before the problem would worsen.

Days were blending into each other. I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept, the need to be there and apologize when he woke up was too strong.

No matter how much I cried or apologized in the silence of his presence he wouldn't wake up and it didn't make me feel any better.

It was my fault, and I couldn't tell him.

Over the few days that I'd been here, encouraging him while also apologizing, my brain ravaged my consciousness with that one thought. I was the problem.

So that's why I'd decided.

Today I will leave.

I didn't want to cause anymore trouble and if monsters were willing to bust through my school in an attempt to get to me, then I was worth too much pain to stay here. I couldn't force them to make that decision, so I would make it for them. All I needed to do was say goodbye. I'll tell them I'm going home but I'll just go to camp instead where I can't hurt anyone.

I felt fresh tears roll down my cheeks as I looked down to Tim's hand which still sat limp in my own. I shut my eyes as I held his hand in between both of my own.

"Apollo, please heal my brother, Hestia, watch over him and my family, make sure they don't mourn over my loss, make sure they see it as an improvement. Please god and goddess, do this one thing for me." I mumbled quietly. I blinked away the few tears I had left before scrubbing my face viciously.

With some quick breathing as I let go of Tim's hand, watching as it laid carefully now against the sheets, his eyebrows furrowing for a second before he turned his head. I tried to give him a smile but it came out more forced and painful than warm.

"Goodbye Tim. I love you so much, so please know this is better for all of you. You'll see it my way someday." I grabbed his hand for the final time stifling another cry as I turned for the door.

I left the room in what was probably the first time in days, some nurses looked at me like I was a ghost, I merely waved and kept going. I just needed to find Jason and Dick in the dining room. I took a shaky breath as I turned a corner, what I wasn't expecting to see was Bruce. Usually he could only join for the morning so it was strange to see him here so late in the day.

Bruce was in his usual suit, except unlike his usual self, he wore sunglasses, the dark shades covering his eyes entirely from my view. As he stopped to look at me I felt my hands clamp up as I watched him come to a stop in front of me.

"Percy" his voice was cold and unnerving, something I'd only ever heard when he talked to clients he didn't like.

"Hey Bruce. I just need to say goodbye, I've decided I'm going to go home, maybe I'll try and get some sleep." He nodded slowly. I felt a cold sweat develop on the back of my neck as his mouth opened to speak again.

"So you're just gonna almost kill your brother then leave?" Instantly my blood ran cold and my eyes filled with tears as I looked up, trying to ding his eyes which I could feel peering into my soul. How had he known?

"I-I didn't-" I stumbled, trying to find my wording as I looked around. No one was in the halls, even the adjacent rooms were deserted.

Bruce took a step forwards his chin raising as if he were looking at scum beneath his foot.

"You're a coward Percy. You've brought my family nothing but trouble." My lip trembled as a tear rolled down my face. "Maybe you were the reason your mother died? You should've died instead, at least I would've had my innocent sister." I looked down to my hands, they shook violently before becoming nothing but smudges. "So run Percy, never come back. You're the reason Tim almost died so you're no longer welcome in my house." He removed his glasses but I could see right, my vision was too blurry causing his eyes to look golden as they must've blended with his skin.

"I-I'm sorry..." I mumbled. I should've been happy, this is what I wanted, to leave and not be mourned, but this hurt, it hurt worse than any injury I'd received from any Demi related thing. I felt a sob try to push past my lips but I clamped a hand over my mouth, swallowing the sob as I looked to the ground.

"Sorry isn't enough. Get out, I never want to see you again, neither do the boys, they share my opinion. Don't bother with your little goodbye speech, it'll only waste their time" I didn't respond, the urge to vomit was strong as a cry escaped me. I nodded before running, shoving past him as I broke into the hall, nurses looked at me startled but I didn't dare say anything, I just ran, trying to keep my pain to myself and not disturb anyone else.

I raced for the elevators, quickly clicking the button to go down as if it would get me out of here any quicker. I could feel myself beginning to snap, the tears making it harder and harder to see as I tried to keep my hand cupped over my mouth.

"Percy!" I turned quickly, a moment of clear sight aided me in seeing Dick with a smile and Jason with a small smirk, their faces soured the moment they saw my face.

"Shit, what did we miss?" Jason asked, trying to step forwards to touch me. My body moved before I did as I slammed against the wall, my hand slapping his away from me. Their eyes widened as a guilt too heavy to carry fell on my shoulders, my knees threatened to give up as I looked at the two, both watched me with a new found fear.

I was the problem.

A loud sob escaped me as I removed my hand and bolted. I ran towards the fire escape as I jumped down the stairs, not caring to stop when I heard my name being called from behind me. I went as fast as my legs would take me, I went until I found the door, I stumbled through it, the cold night air hitting me like a wall and clearing my stuffy thoughts from my head, all that remained were hateful words, words that carened and smashed into my skull making every thought painful.

I ran forwards before a sudden force to my neck sent me to the ground, I was barely aware of my body skidding against the pavement and to a stop as my eyes began to shut. A woman appeared behind me, her lovely flowery dress was all I could see. She leaned down and turned my head to reveal Hera, her eyes held a malicious evil to them.

"Oh little Demi. Let's give you a problem you'll actually fix huh?" I could do nothing as the lights dimmed and she picked me up.

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