Chapter 49: Present

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—————Percy's POV: —————

I hated my new suit. The only good thing about it was the blue. There was nothing else. It's not that it was much different to my previous suit, it was that it now stood for something that disgusted me. Repulsed me to my very core and I was stuck in it.

I stared at myself in the mirror with hateful eyes, something that made me want to rip the clothes off even more.

I wore a black curve hugging shirt, the collar going up to my mid neck, over top of that was a dark navy blue trench coat -a nightmare item that Deathstroke had contributed to my outfit-, the sleeves of said coat covered most but not all of the armored gloves - the best part of the top half of my new outfit. The lower half was some simple pants, a belt keeping it up. I would've looked like a beat cop if not for the mask. Deathstroke took my old mask, replacing it with one that looked like his, except the side were inverses with the right being completely matte black and the other being a shiny blue. Did I mention how much I hated the trench coat?

I rolled my shoulders, trying my best to adjust to the new weight of the suit. How come he got some body armor and now I'm dealing with this tragic mess?

I sighed, I couldn't say anything. This suit was my new reality. I was doing this for the better. For their better.

Like always.

I slapped myself in the face before pulling my mask down. Somehow this mask felt different to my last one, like it burned everywhere it touched my skin.

I turned towards the bathroom door. One thing I had to congratulate Deathstroke on was his use of lighting. Unlike the last base I could now see every nook and cranny of the room with ease.

Unfortunately it only seemed to make me feel more trapped, like I was in a permanent asylum.

Snap out of it Percy. This is your life now. Adapt. You've done it before you can continue to do so.

I pushed down the bubbling pain in my chest as I left the bathroom, coming into a well lit hallway, the flooring and walls made entirely of dull grey metals. I sighed as I began walking back to where Deathstroke was. I was his assistant now, or so he'd labeled me. I was under his constant supervision unless it was in the bathroom. How polite of him to give me private bathroom time.

I walked confidently towards what I could only describe as the lobby of the base. It was where everyone congregated.

My footsteps rung heavy through the halls, the thick metallic sound filling the empty air.

"Get used to it Percy. Just get used to it." I mumbled as I turned the corner, Deathstroke turning to me as he adjusted his sleeves.

"Orca! Or should we call you something new now that the look has changed?" His husky voice grinded on my nerves as I approached him.

"Orcas fine." I said quietly. Deathstroke shook his head.

"Boo, you're no fun. You'll need to learn that a partnership requires teamwork and if you really want to keep 'em safe then you're going to have to work with me." I clenched my fists as I took a shaky breath.

"Any ideas then?" He swayed his head as if trying to rattle his brain to get one solid thought.

"Maybe Orca?" He let out a cold laugh as he pointed to me.

"You think you're funny huh? How about we get a mission, let's see if you're still joking after that." I sighed as I nodded, sticking my hands into my pockets.

"Fine, let's go." We started walking and I turned to him. "By the way, I've joked in much worse scenarios so if want me to deal with my situation you can put up with a few jokes."

I could tell he was eyeing me before nodding. "Fine. I guess it could lighten up the job." I didn't reply as we walked into the room with the large computer, a few men eyed us cautiously and it made me wonder how they perceived me for being by this psychos side.

He reached the computer before I did. I took a seat to the side, turning to look over at the wall instead of facing him in any manner.

My mind continued to replay the events of last night. Could I have done anything better? Why was Deathstroke so concerned with time? Of course it didn't matter now that I was here, my life was gone as of last night.

What had Bruce been so desperate to tell me?

My mouth gained a bitter taste at the thought.

"- finally we need to take out the uncle, I figure he'd be more suited towards your tastes." I turned from the wall to face him. The case had been pulled up on display. He turned back to me expectantly. I scanned over the images, trying to identify what to do.

"Go over it once more. I just need to know who I'm going after." Deathstroke paused before nodding.

As he talked his voice began ringing out of existence once more and I soon realized his voice was the sound version of my dyslexia. Every word sounded foreign as he droned on and on, pointed out small points in maps and on people. I could feel my eyes begging to be shut.

This was going to be a long life.

936 words

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