Chapter 61: Present

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————-Bruce's POV: —————-

I sighed as Flash scrolled through the various channels, a popcorn bowl in hand. It was his 6th one in the past ten minutes.

"" he mumbled the word each time something that didn't interest him popped onto the screen. I looked away from my paperwork, staring at the shows he didn't choose. Flash was a picky guy when it came to these things but I didn't have many other places to do my work without getting interrupted... interrupted a lot at least.

I watched the screen pop over the news, flash stopping momentarily to watch it.

"- on later news, it seems a new big player is in town! A young multimillionaire has just moved into Gotham! Their clean the ocean project has already begun in the harbor, while they prefer to stay anonymous it's clear to see their work is doing many people good!-"

"You know I sponsor her." I turned to see Arthur walk through the door, his golden hair looked like he'd just came from the ocean. I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you sponsored civilians now." I pressed, his eyes turning to me. He eyed me warily before smiling.

"She's not a civilian. She's an Atlantian. A powerful one at that." He said confidently. I felt an eeriness creep over me as he said that. How powerful was she, why was she coming onto the land. I made a mental note to investigate her tomorrow morning, there was no way I'd have the time nor the energy after the party tonight. An internal groan from me turned me back to my work, Flash let out an outward groan."are you planning on gaining another-"

"Dammit, I ran out of popcorn. They seriously need to make bigger bags." He mumbled,I quickly placed my hands over my paper before he zoomed off, the edges of my papers lifting up as they tried to push back.

Once they settled I let them go and got back to work.

"I don't want to be this person, but I suppose I'll be them. You look rough dude, you alright? And please don't do your Batman thing where you gruff ominously and stare off like a fucking main character in a teen drama." Arthur said, pulling a chair out and flipping it over so as he sat he leaned on the back of the chair.

I gave him a glare before deciding I really wasn't going to get rid of him if I didn't say anything. "The boys have been upset lately, and I fear it has something to do with the disappearance of... of their sister." I said, looking over to him. Arthur's eyes widened slightly.

"Daughter?" I nodded.

"Another child I'd adopted years ago. She ran away then she suddenly appeared in town again except it's suddenly like she's dropped off the face of the world." Arthur whistled, his face held an upset expression.

"You can't even find her? You must've trained her well." I glanced over at him.

"I hadn't. She was never meant to be a Robin." He watched me for a second before shaking his head.

"Well I suppose all your children are exceptional in one way or another..." I could tell he was struggling to keep the air light-ish.

I nodded, quickly diving back into my work.

"I hope you find her. Truly." He stood out the chair, spinning it back around and pushing it back in. He walked over and patted me on the back, the touch was unwanted but I didn't comment as he took a step back.

"Have a good night Bats, try and get some rest."

"- it is said she's young though the public is surely curious to find out who she is! Onto more news, many are extremely interested in another anonymous persons, someone has been funding projects recently to build more shelters for the homeless as well as paying for food for them to eat! It seems Gotham may finally be on the up!"

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