Chapter 62: Present

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—————- Percy's POV: —————-

" we worked to discuss the placement of this poor soul within the underworld, and after going through their memories, life, and purpose I believe it is clear to the audience and jury of where they belong!" The man yelled, I clenched my jaw in anticipation, my hands folded in front of me with worry even though I hoped I was right. I'd thought I'd made a pretty strong case and even better with my testimony. If the outcome I wanted didn't happen I would be devastated.

The ominous air of the underworld hung heavy in the air as the judge watched me carefully.

I could swear that even in the cold atmosphere I was sweating, the worry that laced through every atom in my body was strong and made my heart pump so loud I could barely hear my surroundings.

"In the case of Slade Wilson, we find him guilty of all crimes to the highest degree and he will be banished to the fields of punishment until lord Hades has enough time to go through with the proper paper work to have him thrown into Tartarus upon request from his favorite niece Percy Jackson, hero of Olympus and two time savior of the earth." I felt instant relief come to my face as the biggest smile appeared on my face. I turned to see an angry expression had found its way onto Deathstroke's face. He glanced at me and I gave the biggest middle finger I could. Before he could say anything he was dragged off by a couple of guards, he tried to fight but all his attacks were rendered useless as his punches and kicks went straight through the guard.

Cheers and cries filled the room, a few victims of his crimes were sobbing into each other on the stands, I could only smile as I watched.

A cold hand found it's way to my shoulder and I turned quickly to see a man in a lovely black suit, a bright red tie completing the outfit, his hair pulled up into a nice bun.

"Thank you for all your help Uncle Hades, I'm glad he got what he deserved." Hades gave me a reserved smile.

"Anytime Percy, everyone on Olympus was upset with how you were treated, especially your Father and Hestia, I don't think I ever saw the two talk about murder plans so much before." I chuckled, the feeling releasing more of the pent up anxiety I'd been feeling over the course of the trial.

"Nice to know I have people above." Hades rolled his dark eyes, the smile hiding his eyebags.

"Don't even kid, you have more supporters than you think. I swear I heard Ares talk about it only you were his kid." I felt a smirk rise to my face. "On the topic of your father, he said he had something he wanted me to tell you before I send you back up." I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head as he began guiding me out of the court building, the next trial had to be beginning soon.

Outside the building someone was selling pomegranate flavored ice cream and other treats. I smiled as I waved to them, they waved back excitedly.

"Your father wanted me to let you know that your Uncle, Arthur, wanted you to come and be his apprentice, if you didn't know he works in the Justice league with Diana, your father may or may not have slipped in the idea once he learned you were killing, maybe he thought you were going through an angsty phase, though he did brag about your kills all the time. Call it an old habit from back in the Greek kingdom days." I smiled but thought on the idea of working with Arthur.

"So what? He wants me to stay in the kingdom and only keep me on retainer while he works above?" Hades rolled his eyes.

"Of course not, you're barely controllable on land away from your element, I couldn't even imagine you at full power at all times." I could tell he was trying to seem dramatic, "he wants you to be his second apprentice, work in the young justice league I believe they're called. You would work with Aqualad in teaching him how to better connect with the water, almost as a mentor." I hesitated.

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