Chapter 23: Past

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------------- Dick's POV: --------------

Breakfast was quiet. At least, as quiet as it had been before Percy had arrived.

Percy arrived later than she usually did, her eyes dark with exhaustion mimicking Tim when he decided to pull a few all-nighters in a row.

She'd slumped into her chair when she arrived, staring intently at the table as she tapped her fingers on the surface rhythmically in a song I couldn't quite place. She didn't acknowledge our presence, instead looking almost half asleep as she watched her fingers dance.

Bruce looked up at her, his eyes glancing at us with an unexpressed anger. I was almost sure of it based on the way his fingers clenched tightly to the fork. Alfred must've told him how Percy got hurt. Tim and Jason didn't mean to be sure, but it didn't make the outcome any better.

I decided I should be the one to break the ice. "Good morning Percy," I said with a smile, setting down my fork, "How did you sleep?" Percy looked up, her eyes seemingly focusing on what was happening as if this were the first time she was seeing us.

She paused momentarily, her eyes running over the bruises on my face, a sad depth adding to the void that was her stare. "It was fine, my head doesn't hurt anymore so I was able to sleep comfortably." I could tell nearly no one believed that, Bruce's distance stare turning to her now. She didn't look at him, instead turning back to the table.

Alfred walked out of the kitchen, setting down a plate of blue waffles and eggs, a small glass of orange juice to boot. His eyes glanced over her bandages as he leaned back up, Percy didn't seem to notice though as she reached for the maple syrup, dousing her waffle in what had to be an unhealthy dosage. She merely yawned as she did so, setting down the container before lifting her fork and digging in. I turned to Tim and Jason, both looking like they wanted to speak but were also too afraid of the consequences of such actions. I guess it was all up to me, like usual.

I put on a kind smile as I turned back to Percy. "Hey Perc, we were wondering if you wanted to go swimming with us once we finished eating?" Percy froze, her eyes narrowing as she looked at us like we were crazy. She didn't have to look so mean, I mean we were just inviting her to go swimming!

"You need to wait at least thirty minutes, you'll get a cramp in the pool." I froze, as she shook her head, turning back to her breakfast as she shoved another chunk in her mouth, her angry expression not leaving her face. She swallowed the food and huffed."Alfred, can I go in?" She glanced at Alfred who stood in the corner of the room. I turned back to look at him as well, watching as he raised his hand to cough.

"The doctor said you could be active around this time, be careful of course, and try not to jostle too much." Percy nodded, giving him a small smile.

She turned back to me, the smile falling slightly. "Of course, I'll join you, I'd never not want to go to the pool." I smiled, feeling some tension in the room alleviate as Tim and Jason began eating again.

"Great! We'll wait thirty minutes too if it makes you comfortable." she nodded, once again not even facing me as she seemed all too invested in her food.

I glanced at Bruce, finding a comfortable look on his face, his eyes not so narrowed as before. He turned back to his food and began eating as well. I felt my own grin grow as I turned down to my food and began to dig in.


I'd expected to be the first one at the pool when I arrived, but that was not the case apparently.

As I walked into the indoor pool, my towel slung over my shoulder and a floaty I quite enjoyed under my other arm, I found Percy floating on her back in the pool, her body sinking and raising with every breath.

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