Chapter 59: Present

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I was sat in the locker rooms of the base, the water dripped down off my hair. I stared down at the floor, the small puddles rippled lightly.

I glanced over to the side, my clothing folded nicely on the bench beside me.

The locker was still hot from the steam of my shower and I didn't feel like drying myself off yet so I sat quietly on the bench, a towel wrapped around me. I didn't look into the shower stalls, I knew the walls were still coated in red from the blood.

I took in a deep breath as I ran my fingers through my hair, it felt soft as my fingers gilded through.

I was tired but tomorrow was the day. I'd finally be rid of my issues. I smiled, the thought made me slightly giddy.

A droplet hitting a puddle sounded out through the silent room, switching my attention to the stall again. I blinked as the red filled my vision, barely hidden behind the curtain.

I needed to get going. I stood up, grabbing my clothes before getting dressed quickly.

As I did so, my mind lingered. Would I still need to kill after this? What would I do after this actually? Talia did say she wouldn't mind taking me back or...maybe-


The sound echoed through the room, my gaze turning from the bloody stall to my phone sat where my clothes had previously been. The screen was bright revealing a text message. A message from an unknown number.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I grabbed my phone. Leo had specifically programmed these to block spam calls, we even had number addresses that didn't exist, to the public that is. As much as I'd like to say what it is, I'd rather not have tons of randoms calling my phone.

I opened the message, the lettering becoming larger and easier to read.

- Hey Percy, it's Tim, you there?

I blinked a few times, rubbing my eyes hastily before looking back at the message. It was the same.

I quickly typed back.

Tim? Who're you and how do you have my number?-

Personally, I wasn't going to believe it. This could've very well been a test from Deathstroke to try and get me to falter.

- Percy I promise, it's me Tim. Where are you? Can we talk?

I clenched my jaw. Quickly, I shoved the phone in my pocket.

I walked out of the locker and began heading for the door. As I left I spotted Deathstroke. He turned to look at me as I left. I gave him a small wave as another ding shook my pocket. A slight burst of energy passed through me.

So he didn't send the message.

Doesn't mean his lackeys couldn't have.

I turned back around and left, leaving the base. The moment I got away from the cameras I ran, running through the streets in order to make sure I wasn't being followed, once I determined I was far enough away, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Please respond.

I sucked in a shallow breath as instead of typing I placed the phone to my ear. It rung once, twice, the third time the ring got cut off.

"I swear to all the gods above if this is a joke I can and will find you and so help me Hestia I will cut your fucking head off." I said so loudly and confidently a nearby couple coming my way down the sidewalk quickly went to the opposite side of the road.

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