Chapter 56: Present

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------------- Damian's POV: -----------------


I almost rolled my eyes at Drake's speed. He narrowed his eyes at me as he pushed his staff towards me, the metal hitting me in the side but I managed to hold it off, scooting to a stop.

"You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to get anything on Deathstroke." I said quickly, pulling out my hidden knife and using its hilt to slam into Tim's arm. He let out a small yell as he released the staff, the metal clanging to the ground.

"Oh yeah? You worked with him, why can't you take him!" He yelled, stress obvious in his voice, or possibly the sleep deprivation. Maybe a bit of both.

I rolled my eyes as I kicked the staff into my hand, extending it out to him. "Because, he has Orca, and we don't know the extent to which she's under his will. She was the only one I knew who could take him head on while being an even match." I said coldly. "You guys didn't know this? I mean an entire family of crime fighters and nobody noticed the very obvious distinctions in her fighting?"

Drake looked angry. "We didn't know she could fight, as far as we were concerned she was just extremely active. We blamed it on the swim team training, I mean she was in the pool whenever we looked for her." He said, holding out his staff. Talking and fighting. Classy. I picked up a katana, twirling it before holding it out towards him, flicking the blade up to tell him to come at me. "Plus she wasn't a part of the fighting life, Bruce made sure of that." He ran forwards, pole pulled back. I almost dropped my sword from that one sentence. Not a part of the group? What were they thinking?

"God, you really let a metahuman do no training?!" I asked, slamming the katana as hard as I could into his pole, he managed to barely brace in time to deflect it, I almost felt proud.

"We didn't know that either! Plus, to our knowledge she never even had those abilities when she was with us!" He replied, pulling out a smoke bomb and throwing it on the ground, the world around me turned into a hazy white nightmare. I tried to push down the discomfort at the pop that had escaped the bomb, instead focusing entirely on my surroundings and the noises he made in the distance, yet another thing these boys could work on.

"You always get research on anyone who goes into your life! Father taught me this! How was such a vital thing skipped!" Drake appeared from the clouds, aiming for my legs, he swiped them out from under me, my back hitting the ground hard and my weapon clattering off to the side, he put the pole on my throat but his face wasn't one of victory, instead he was slightly crestfallen.

"Percy was Bruce's sister's daughter, his niece. She died. He never really pressed her for anything to my knowledge. He was just glad to have some part of his sister back. I overheard them one night talking about her. She sounded lovely from the few words they used." He replied, sticking his hand out to help me up. I pursed my lips.

"Mother mentioned something like that once." I'd only known her mother was dead and her father was absent like mine. I'd found common ground with that and Orca seemed to be okay so I thought maybe I was good now too. "But relationships shouldn't be the reason you don't collect information. There was so much missed with her." I said, walking away as I swatted away the smoke. It would take a minute for it to disappear. "I mean, she's good with bombs, a fighter since before mother found her, in fact, mom said she did minimal to no training with her. Hell, she took down and escaped a superhero!" Tim's brows furrowed.

"What? who?" He asked, appearing through the now fading smoke.

"From what I learned, Shazam. He nabbed her and she managed to get away." I said with a smirk, ignoring the fact I'd panicked when I thought she had in fact not gotten away.

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