Chapter 27: Past

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-------------- Percy's POV: ----------------

It was strange to be alone now in the manor. Usually, the halls were bustling with a form I'm not sure that's how to describe it but it was something along those lines. It was probably the security of knowing someone was in the room over, walking down the hall, or even in the study where they practically spent their whole life *cough cough*- Bruce- *cough* but who am I to judge. But that's what made an empty house even stranger.

It was winter break, the time when the Christmas lights littered the Wayne halls, the joyous lights twinkling enthusiastically in the dark halls. The smell of cinnamon seemed to be practically etched into the woods and furniture, even my room which smelled heavily of the beach had a slight pepperminty smell.

But that's what made the silence so astounding.

The boys were gone, Bruce was gone, and Alfred was away with Bruce at work. I was alone in the manor.

Of course, I knew this was probably a mission thing, not that I cared, it wouldn't be my first time spending Christmas break alone, Mom had tried but Gabe made it too difficult so I'd offer to let her leave, telling her I'd be fine as I shoved her out the door for a small vacation on Poseidon's bill. Gabe usually left with his buddies for "Christmas shopping" afterward but based on his stench when he came back booze wasn't the only thing he'd gotten into when he left. I'd spent around 3-4 Christmas alone like that, often with the lights out and warm cocoa in my hands as I watched the snow fall from my window. I was just happy for my mom, she always returned with the widest smile and some gifts. Anytime she was happy, I was happy.

So as I sat in the kitchen, all the lights off, a warm cocoa glass in my hand, fuzzy socks slipped over my ice-cold toes, sat on top of the counter as I watched the outside through the window, I could only wonder why this time it truly hurt to be alone.

I watched carefully as the slow fall of white powder fell from the sky, coating all of Alfred's beloved plants out in the yard in a thin layer of sparkling white. They almost looked like mini mountains.

I took a careful sip of my cocoa, the warm and thick chocolaty liquid sliding down my throat with comforting ease. I blinked slowly as the grey light cast over my face and body disappeared for a moment before returning to its monotone-ness. I was glad Alfred was coming back soon, Bruce called me and told me Alfred would be here by tomorrow morning and hopefully, the boys would trickle in around those times too. The day before Christmas.

I'd considered calling up Annabeth but I knew she was busy, I'd heard from Grover that this year they'd decided to switch the weather a bit and allow for snow, apparently from what I heard, the little's were going insane and it was taking all the manpower they could from stopping a select few from trying to use powers to create deadly ice weapons. It sounded like fun honestly.

I shook my head free of those thoughts as I lifted the cup to my lips again, this time though, as I tilted the glass back, no liquid came out. I lowered the glass, finally removing my eyes from the grey scenery outside and into the blue cup, the bottom now fully exposed. I sighed, setting the cup to the side. I hated a quiet house.

I pushed myself off the counter, setting the cup in the sink as I manipulated the water to do a thorough scrubbing before walking off. My feet padded gently against the flooring as I began to make my way up the stairs.

I reached the top, preparing to go and find my way back to my room when I paused.

I turned in the other direction this time. The direction of Bruce's office.

In all honesty, for as long as I'd lived here, which wasn't long, I'd never gone down the hallway for fun, usually, it was when I was told to. I couldn't really recall what was down there.

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