Chapter 2: The School for Good and Evil

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Aur-- Aurel-- Aurellia wake up! As I started to slapping her cheeks fast and hard, you can imagine which cheeks I'm talking about, as she woke up with a grunt and glared at me
What is it?! I didn't looked at her as I kept staring at the sky, it didn t took a moment for her to realize what s happening and started to look at the window besides the bed

For a moment I thought she looked happy, turns out she was, and got me very puzzled
The hell are you smiling for?! Do you know what that is?! I asked as she just kept her look of amazement and wonder, she looked at me and grabbed my shoulders
Look y/n, I'm not sure if this is what I think it freaking is, but if I'm correct, this can change our lives forever! I'm still lost cause her answer was less than sufficient, I was supposed to say something when something grabbed and dragged us harshly from the ground and into the forest! SHIT SHIT SHIT WHAT THE HELL S GOING ON AURELLIA?!! OW MY BACK! All I heard was my sister screaming enthusiasticly, my god, back then I though she's crazy, turns out I'm right
WOHOOHH!! YESS TAKE US AWAY FROM THIS CURSED PLACE! We still haven't stopped being dragged like goddamn rags until finally FINALLY it stopped and Aurellia was clapping like a child
My Lord y/n!! Our wish has been granted! We are going to that place!! Where we can have our own destiny! I read it back then! I never knew it was-- Then a huge skinless and terrifying bird clawed it's way down and grabbed us and wen towards up in the sky!

I was scared sh*tless while my dear dear sister is crying... From happiness
I fumbled my flute and tried to create a music that can cause the... Bird? ... Monster bird? To brings us down, too bad the wind was too loud it can't hear anything and I'm unable to make a sound! I pat my sister's shoulder rather strongly WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON ?!
THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL! WHERE EVERY FAIRYTALE CHARACTERS STORY BEGAN! OR RATHER WHERE THEY TRAINED TO BE WHO THEY WERE IN THE BOOKS! The monster bird glided up, and the wind wasn't chaotic like awhile ago, giving a peaceful feeling.
My mentor told me, that some lucky people were also dragged here to have their own story, to change Aurellia said in a more soft voice, I watched her as she smiled in earnest and looked at me You know what sis? You might have witch blood in your veins, but you are kinder and more forgiving than anyone else I've known in my life! So I might have an idea how this one will go!! We both screamed as we were suddenly plunged down and circled under the bridge Y/N LOOK! The school for Good! I looked at where she was pointing and there I saw a magnificent palace, adorned with diamonds and gold's, majestic and bright... Definitely not my cup of -TEAAAAAA!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! I was dropped without warning and last thing I saw was my sister giggling and clapping her hands and waving goodbye at me, I thought my fall would be painful so I waited for that, instead, it was soft! I'm still pratically laying down.... To shocked to try to register what is happening, until I felt something poking me under my back, it was buzzing and seems to me it was raging, so I hurriedly sat down and was shocked to see ... This creature... A fairy must be, I tried to touch it but instead it bit me like a maniac! Hey! Out of instinct I smacked it! Oh sh*t sorry I didn t mean t-
Did she just killed a Fairy?? Startled, I looked at my back to see that I was surrounded by ... Wanna be princess! Those faces just explains everything, and makes me want to b*tch slap them, but then again, I'm used to seeing b*tch faced princesses, like hello? My sister? Yeah

So I tried to put a gentle facade, and stoop down low to their level so hopefully we can understand each other... Hopefully.
I'm sorry about what happened, but can anyone tell me, what this place is? I think I'm lost? With cute and pouty mouth, sparkling eyes for more perfect acting, even though it's making me gag. The princess looked at me with less hostility and held their chin up while still looking.. more like judging me. God you guys remind me so much of my sister, never have I ever wanted to smother faces in the dirt before. I smiled without noticing, and the b*tches looked relief and started sighing Oh goodness me, we thought you might be some, disgusting never who just wanted to create chaos again, but turns out you're an ever, like us the one with a tiara said
But right now you're filthy, no prince would ever want you if you re not fixed! Does it look like I'm broken and your filthiness might be contagious the one in the middle said while looking at me up and down... One more word from this little shithead and I'm really going to burst. come now and leave this to the fairies, I don't want to be late in the ceremony. And just like that, they went on their merry way to whatever disgusting place they re going, as for me poor old me, more of this crackhead fairies came and shoved me inside the palace. Geez! I got it stop pushing you little gah!

As for Aurellia, she was dropped at the school for evil where she was plopped down the dirty water, as one by one of the students fell in

*Gasps!* THAT WAS AMAZING DO IT AGAIN! Oh... It s gone now, but wait there s more of them?! I wonder if I could get y/n to get me one of those. I giggled at the thought
Aww! The bird ate my shirt! I looked at the boy who shouted, and he looked kinda familiar, just a bit, he looked at me and said that I have princess hair, he wanted to smell it thinking it would smell like... Cakes or something. That's cute, so I grabbed a some of my hair and cut it, with a blade, don't tell me how I got it, I just got it, and gave it to him It wouldn't smell like a f*cking cake, I'm warning you then I left him there, while walking forward OHMYGHAD A DOG MAN?! Obviously they were werewolves, but I just blurted out whatver the f*ck I thought about them, so they very pissed at me and snarled, oh shit shit shit
my Lord I meant so scary please don't hurt me! as I scurried myself inside. I squealed in excitement as everything I saw was new, the students here would sometimes glare and hiss at me, I just gave them the middle with a smile, I think that's how you greet here! I was about to wander off when I saw a tall woman, with red curly hair, a strict but beautiful face, wearing all black and a suit!

I just shook my head and smiled, my sister would kill for my spot right now

A/N: AYOO! Hopefully you guys are somewhat enjoying, warning tho, I may not get the personality of the original characters of the movie too much, but I am going to try my best! See ya

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now