Chapter 8: A Stupid Attempt

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I opened my eyes and I saw myself back in the creek, as the trees danced with the wind, sunlight barely passing through its leaves, insects gathering around basking in the warmth and the breeze of summer air, the feeling of nostalgia hitting me hard... And mother yelling in the background and it's about to hit me! OW! WHY DID THAT HURT?!

MOTHER?! She looked at me with frustration and a noticable crease between her furrowed eyebrows became unnoticed.

Are you stupid?! She asked in a raging tone, while unhesitatingly smacking me in the arm! WHY?!!

H-hey ma stop it! The last time I saw you I was 10! And I'm not going to spend this moment with you trying to break my bones okay?! As I hugged her, and that seems to calm her rage down, her breath is now normalized instead of rapid intakes that can make her possibly die a second time

I let go of the hug, and saw her closing her eyes, she then turned around and sat down to a nearby log, she opened her arms, inviting me in an embrace I so longed for years.

Come here my sweet child.and so I did, and rested my head on her lap, as I savoured thin unreal moment... I knew I was going to wake up soon.

She lovingly strokes my head, playing with my hair sometimes, and tugging it when it was tangled.

Why are you so mad at me anyways? I asked

Because you're stupid. You overexerted yourself today, almost lose yourself in a trance and-
I suddenly cut her off, confused as to how she knew, if she was already dead years ago?

How'd you know that? How am I even talking to you?

When we die, we leave our physical bodies with the living, and our soul goes back to, what we call, Utopia. Us meeting... Isn't suppose to happen, but the moment that I sensed you were in danger, as a mother, I had to check up on you, and took me a lot power to visit you in your dreams.

I smiled as I buried myself more in my mother's embrace, relishing our limited time together.

So y/n... Can you explain to me why you are passed out on somebody's bed?
My eyes shot open as I lifted myself up from my mother's lap and looked at her with a confused and surprised face.

I'm sorry what? I had to hear her repeat the question again.

Why are you passed out, on somebody's bed? No need to be ashamed though my child, it has been an exhausting day for you, and getting rid of stress and tension this way is norma-

Ma! I passed out on the cold unforgiving ground! That's the last thing I remembered, oh god I have to wake up! This is so embarrassing arghh!! Whose bed?! It can't be Aurellia's, she doesn't even know where I am in the moment, possibly not in professor Dovey 's quarters or dorms since I passed out in the School for Evil.......



Right in front of Lady Lesso's office...

The thought brought me great terror as I connected the pieces together!

Ma I need to wake up now now now!
My mom rose an eyebrow, and laughed mockingly at me
What? Want to escape the one night stand? I expected a little bit more from you child.

I'm in my superior's chambers!!

Oh... That is quite a scandal, just so you know, I Ve been also a flirt when I was your age, I remember I even back then when every night there is always someone who gets captivated by my beauty, oh the steamy night with beautiful strang-
I nodded my head urgently as if I'm trying to understand what she's saying but the panic that I felt is getting all the attention that I have

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now