Chapter 1: Troublemakers of Ellanor

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Hidden between the highest and dangerous mountains, surrounded by perilous roads and jungles, lies the Kingdom of Ellanor, ruled by the gracious and mighty King Fraden, and the elegant Queen Ellie, together, the Kingdom has known peace and serenity since then and no trouble was prese--



*Pant pant* THEY RE CATCHING UP AURELLIA HURRY THE FREAK UP! We ran through the bushes and into the forest, getting scratches and burn from plants and twigs that came from everywhere, almost tripping my younger sister... oh, why are we running you may ask?
My Lord I can't keep up y/n!! I m wearing a gown!! This cursed overinflated piece of sh*t!
Well you see, we are running away from the palace, cause one, I may or may not scattered some powder that can cause some... Mild... Allergies?? Second, the reason I did that because my dear sister is getting forced to marry someone that she doesn't even know, and like, and he looks like a possum, and for the final reason, if the two aren't enough, we just likee getting in the nerves of our dear father and her mother, entertaining àtleast in this boring old place.

We went to our usual hiding place, it s an old tree that we call Oldie... Cause it's old, where it's roots are big and curved that can hide us both.
Still out of breath, and panting like crazy, we still tried to lessen our breathing so the noise wouldnt be noticable by the palace guards, as they tried their best searching and screaming, like that would help, for Aurellia to show herself.
Sh*t my corset is killing me, can't you just use your magic to lure them away?? Aurellia said in an urging whisper, guess the corset really was trying to suffocate her to death. I can't yet Aurellia, you know darn well I need full breaths for this one, and I feel like my lungs are cursing at me right now if they can talk. I tried to have normal breaths so I can use my gifted magic, thanks to my mother's blood, to get those freaks away from this place. Minute or so have passed and Aurellia looks like a dying and gaping fish, I prepared my flute to cast a hypnotizing spell. My mother had a gift in controlling people with music, any instrument can do the work, heck even if I sound like a pig singing, my voice can still do the trick! Hastily, I inhaled a good amount of breath and stand up from our hiding place and started playing the flute.

Not even a minute passed and they are also dancing like idiots back to the palace, the dancing isn't really necessary, I could just let them walk back, but hey, life's too short not to be extra and dramatic right?
Aurellia peeked a little and slumped back to the ground when she noticed that they are all gone.

Finally, I thought I needed to die first before you take action. I just rolled my eyes at her, a thank you would've been more appreciated.

you re welcome, I don't even know why I helped you even though you re a brat. I helped her up and tried to loosen her corset to keep it from murdering her.

Becauseee you love me~~ even if I set the whole kingdom in fire you would still adore me, cause admit it, you have a soft spot for me. She smiled triumphantly and put both of her hands on her waist, well it's true that I do adore this abomination they called princess.
I hate this place, the only reason I haven't left yet is because... I finally loosened it and turned her around to face me, I'm not powerful enough to protect us both from the outside of this kingdom, but when I do, we really are going to set this place on fire and put it out later on, just you know, give them a little scare as parting gift. She laughed at the thought
My Lord that's both evil and kind of you y/n.
We walked through the forest while talking about our day, Aurellia, even though she grew up from the palace, cussed and spat saliva like people from the slums as if she s been living there her whole life, don't ask me how or why, spare me on this one please.
And then that old f*cking bastard kissed my hand! Like literally without my consent! He just shoved his greasy ass lips and smooched it like there was no tomorrow! I grimaced at her horrifying experience . I swear to God you should just hypnotized that m***erf**king old fart to eat his own s*it since he smelled like one! I told her I would do it for her revenge as we strode through the nearby creek towards my home, this is where my mom raised me, until she left this world when I was 10, who took care of me after that? Mind you, I was a smart kid and learned to survive on my own, my father never really knew I was born, and it was a smart choice that my mom made, since, royal life, is chaotic, and if people would found out my mom's a witch? I'd be killed and burned, blamed for every bad and unfortunate things that would happen.

*Sighs* this place felt more safe and comfy than that wrecked place! Y/n can I borrow some spare clothes? I went to a nearby drawer to pick some clothes and threw it at her face.
You could've just handed it to me properly y know? As she slammed her corset at my head, and of course, I would never want to be on the loosing end, so we wasted our afternoon throwing things to each other, few curses, blisters and bruises, meh these would heal, but time... we want to spend it with each other having fun as much as possible, I'm afraid that me being powerful will come too long, and might be too late to change anything. I... No, we wish that something would happen... That can just change everything in our current life for good, of course something that benefits us, maybe... Love? Hopefully it would soften my idiotic sister's heart, and fill the void in mine.

Night came and she told me she would need to come back to the palace tomorrow, as much as she hated it, so we went to bed and she stared at my cuts and bruises. Another bruise? And this doesn't even look new from what we were doing a while ago, you re not suicidal y/n, you can't f*ck me with this one she smirked as if she's teasing me about it.. which she is, and yes I'm not suicidal, this is like... Guilty pleasure sort of
You kinky wh*re! She smacked my arm and sat up
You re still working in that place?! My Lord y/n and she bursted out laughing, I just told her to shut up and get some sleep, which she didn t really do and kept giggling like a maniac. I did worked at the brothel, cause after all, I m still a living person who experience such.... Things, it just happens that it's not common to be a lesbian, but there still some, just very few. Also I needed the money.

We fell asleep not long ago until I awoke by a feeling that caused me to shiver, and as I opened my eyes, the sky was red as blood. What.. the hell?!

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now