Chapter 28: Finally Together

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3rd Person POV

Hester ran through the halls with unsteady breaths, her face filled with dry cascaded tears due to scene a while ago. When she finally arrived at the doorstep of Lesso's office, panting heavily, she took a deep breath to compose herself before knocking, but before she did, she tried to muster up enough courage to deliver the news, since Y/n as the topic was deemed sensitive and a taboo within the walls of the school.

Ever since the passing of Y/n, Lesso couldn't bear the fact that she had miserably failed to protect the only person she ever loved, too much for her, that she had drowned herself in alcohol and work to distract herself... But to no avail. She ordered to remove everything that can remind her of y/n, slowly becoming more wicked and ruthless, unhinged and irritable, also affecting her students. That is why since then, no one talked about the music teacher. Not even on the school for Good.

Aurellia was having a hard time coping and got into an argument with the Dean of Evil, saying it was a selfish idea, because for her, she didn't want to erase her sister's existence just because it hurts, she didn't like the idea of portraying y/n as a taboo or a curse. But Lesso never really paid attention to the young lass nor talk to her, for she extremely resemble her lover's appearance, Aurellia understood that, but didn't complied with Lesso's wishes, she knew that the more she denies y/n s death, the more it will hinder her to accept and let go.

With shaky hands and nervous heart, but with a firm decision, she knocked on the door, waiting for Lesso's permission to come in... For a few seconds there were none... Until the door opened, startling the Black haired girl.

Lesso, clearly annoyed at the presence of the student, considering it was past office hours, glared at her while straightening her sitting body with a deep inhale, looking more intimidating and wicked, but still remained composed and collected.

I don't usually let students in past curfew, so make it quick, what is it? As if like magic, her confidence had suddenly been flushed down the drain as she stared at the Dean with unsteady eyes. She stuttered at her words, making the Dean more displeased, she was supposed to dismiss Hester, but heavy footsteps caught their attention and a Hench wolf appeared beside the girl.

Lady Lesso.. it paused, contemplating to continue on its words. It stood straight and carried on with all the strength it could muster and spoke

It's Miss Y/-- without even finishing his word, the sharp cracking sound of the glass window evaded their ears, Lesso every so slightly lost control of her magic upon hearing her name, but took a deep breath to calm herself, closing her eyes.

You are both dismissed.

Hester, no, everyone have had enough with Lesso's pathetic determination to forget their music teacher, it wasn't helping her cope, it was destroying her little by little. So she took a step forward and spoke with a steady voice.

Miss Y/n is alive! And with that, the window broke completely, leaving debris and shards around the room, as a strong force pushed them backwards.

You insolent brat, you're fortunate that I don't have the slightest mood to give you punishment! Leave! With one last force they tumbled out of the room, Hester almost falling down, but caught by a hand...

Lesso's eyes widened at the scene laid before her... Her furious gaze turned soft and filled with desire upon the sight of her lover, breathing, moving...oh how much did she longed to hear her sweet voice again, the things that she d do just to feel her warmth pressed against her...

Thank you Hester. Y/n smiled at the girl, and looked at Lesso with eyes full of mixed emotions, but one thing's for sure, she wanted to embrace the redhead as soon as possible, she ached for her touch. She took a stepped forward into the office, her eyes never leaving Lesso's gaze.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now