Chapter 19: Confession

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I can shower in my own room. I said to Nora while crossing my arms.

After we teleported back, I wanted to go to my room, considering I was exhausted... Too tired to deal with anything else.

But she dragged me inside her room locking the door behind us. To be honest, I was a little scared she might ... Torture the answers out of me, but you know what's more disturbing? When the Dean of Evil offered me a "relaxing bath".

Will she poison the water though?

Don't worry... I won't force you to talk about what happened, if you're not comfortable. She sighed and went inside her bathroom, preparing my "bath"... Is this some reverse psychology kind of sh*t? Cause I'm not buying it! This is shady, very shady! Some people would be smiling at you, and next thing you knew you're whole murder is already planned out.

The moment she was done, the scent of lavender instantly made me fall in love, as I hesitated to just jump in the water and clear my doubts. Nora went out of the bathroom, and told me to go inside.


I said relax dear. I knew it! I freaking knew it! She hexed the water! Making me all weak and relaxed just so when the punishment comes I can't scream or escape! I'm too smart to fall for this!


Which, I guess I already did fall for it, cause I'm currently in the bath tub... Getting... Head massage from Nora... God! This feels heavenly... My thoughts came to a halt when I remember she can read my thoughts... Hence the chuckle from the redhead. B-but that doesn't mean I m putting my guard down!

I bit my lips from moaning... Of course in a non erotic way, when her hands started to work on my shoulders... No no no stop y/n! Sh*t that's amaz- SHHHH oh god I'm going insane!!

Now now, don't torture yourself, that's my job. My face suddenly began to become hot at her comment, and I splashed her with water... Which I swear wasn't on purpose! So due to my panicked state I released myself from her talented fingers and faced her with urgency im sorry!! I-I really didn't me- I just.. I mean.. Can you please stop being nice, it's creeping me out!

She wiped her face with a towel and amusedly looked at me. You complain that I'm not being nice to you, and now I am being nice, you get scared? She stood up with her wet clothes and went to drawers, probably fetching for some night clothes.

I clearly said be a "little" nicer, emphasis on the little?? I slumped back on the warm and fragrant water, thinking that if ever she did poisoned it, it s not a painful death...

I didn't mind her steps slowly approaching me, figured she might just continue her massage, but instead, I felt her going inside the bathtub with me!

W-what are you doing? I asked, making distance for her to fit in... Though it's not like the tub was small, it's quite spacious to be honest.

It's just that, I'm used to seeing her completely naked, during s*x that is... But seeing her like that, without the filter of lust, makes me observe and appreciate all the details that I haven't seen before... The thought was more of like, admiring a sculpture

Well, I do need a relaxing bath too, so quit you're staring and come closer. I grunted while gliding towards Nora, obediently following her command.

I positioned myself between her and rested my head on her chest, facing my back... It was a calm and serene night bath, good for deep talks and such...

And so I did

Hey, I have a question, and if you answer it, truthfully, I promise to explain what happened in the Blue forest. Deal?

She laughed I have many ways to make you talk, but I guess this will also do. Ask away my dear.

Can I just talk about her endearments just for quick sec? Back then, she barely call me "dear" or "darling", but now... I never knew that being called like that by someone you... Truly like, can be this affecting...

But I don't want to lie to myself... My feelings are to deep for just a stupid crush...even though there are times it felt like f*ck-buddy relationship... Just imagining my life without her seemed so miserable...

I just need to confirm if she feels the same, if she doesn't, then I can discard my emotions... I'm really used at abandoning feelings if they get too painful.

But something tells me, I can't get rid of this one easily.

If I say... That I love you right now, would you love me back?

Upon my question, I felt a sense of panic and dread when I felt her got stiff for a moment... Not to mention the sharp intake of air was a little disturbing.

Nevers... scoffs at the word Love. It's been like that ever since.

For a few seconds, I was trying my best to understand what it meant...

My senses became numb upon hearing her answer, though she didn t answered directly to the question, but it was enough for me to see the whole idea or point

Oh... Right, I forgot about the whole Evers and Nevers rule.

I gave my apologies for asking such ignorant questions and was about to leave the tub. But she dragged me back in the water, pulling my arm a little forcefully that I ended up facing her, our faces mere inches apart, her eyes didn't hold any maliciousness, instead, it was genuine and tender.

But, obsession is the nearest thing that we can compare to Love...  And my dear, may I just confess... She leaned closer, our lips slightly brushing together as I felt her hot breath and lingering touch on my nape, slowly pulling me towards her.

that I am deeply obsessed with you.

She slowly captured my lips and let my eyes fluttered close upon such diving feeling and may I just say how happy I am right now, her confession gave me a sense of security and relief, that she won't be leaving my side for a quite awhile, the doubts instantly vanished upon the sweet and passionate kiss that's she's giving me.

It didn't last long though, and when we separated from the kiss, I just smiled and hugged her in the tub, saying a little thank you.

I'm obsessed with you too. I whispered, but I do know she heard me, and let her play with my hair as we embrace the night together.

Still in the cuddling position, I told her what happened in the Blue forest, no secrets will I hide from her anymore, and just as I was telling, I suddenly panicked and sat down quickly... My actions seemed to startle Nora as she asked what's wrong

I... I can't remember what happened! I tried to recollect the earlier situation, but my head started to sting and throb. I put my hands on both of sides of my head, clutching, trying to ease the pain. It was like something is blocking me from remembering.

My vision of a Nora was getting blurry and dim, all I can hear was ringing. She seemed like she was shouting, though I couldn't really express what she looks like, so I just eased her that I'm fine... Not until I felt something wet down my nose did I discovered that I'm having a terrible nosebleed

And that s where I blacked out.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now