Chapter 12: Dirty Little Ever

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A/N: Smut Warning!

Go to where exactly? Pet? The harsh and low toned voice of Lady Lesso snapped me out of my rage, I unknowingly stepped back with my eyes hinted with fear despite the lust that had been torturing me, trembling and sweating like a wet feline

Leave us. Quickly the wolves scrambled away as if their life depended on it. As for me, I practically gone quiet, but still my body was burning like hell!

P-please leave me for a while Lady Lesso, I just need to do something. Oh for F*cks sake, like begging and being pathetic will make her go away!

And miss this pitiful show? She grinned and walked towards me, then  violently pinning me on the wall with her hand clutching my neck, her eyes full of delight as she gazed upon my bothered state.

Now why would I do that?

Her unforgiving and harsh touch were sending me in a complete ecstasy, my drool were dangerously trying to escape my bloody lips.

But her next move caught me by surprise, when she placed her knee between my thighs then hoisted me up with it, hitting my core hard, sending jolts all throughout my aching body! F-fuck yes! A loud moan escaped my lips, catching the both of us by surprise. God just kill me now

Her hand that was once on my neck travelled to my hair and painfully yanked it, making my scalp scream...

I loved it

Dirty, dirty little ever, who would've thought such words would escape your pretty lips she purred, basically right now, I'm sitting and leaning on her thighs, drenching her rough textured pants with my love juices! I inhaled sharply when her other hand travelled to my back, slowly and painfully tracing it towards the back of my c*nt, massaging and twirling her talented slender fingers on my drenched panty. I bit back another moan to avoid being heard again by the whole school, after all, thin walls.

None of that, pet. She lets go of my hair and shoved two fingers on my mouth, forcefully opening it, moans and whimpers escaping my sinful mouth, her rings scratching on the roof of my mouth while she bobbed her fingers up and down hitting my erogenous spot deep in my throat.

Let them hear how you're getting f*cked right now. I assure you little ever, that even a succubi will be aroused by those erotic noises I can extract from you. Insatiable lust was immensely present in her voice as she continued playing with me. At this point my eyes are just closed, concentrating more in her touch rather than the surroundings.

I must've look filthy, after all, I can feel both my drool and tears cascading down my face. Oh God what have I gotten myself int- f*ck let's just be honest, I wanted this! I felt her magic fling away my clothes, leaving me naked and exposed, I shivered as the cold air stroked my skin.

I can't believe I'm getting done only by a rub of her fingers, she's not even plunging it in me, and it was more than enough to send me in a pleasured frenzy! I don't know If I'm going to thank or kill the person who added aphrodisiac in the porridge!

My train of thought were disturbed when I immediately felt her fingers on my c*nt rubbing more aggressively, which led me close and closer to the edge! My voice muffled by her fingers playing the inside of my mouth, but soon replaced with her own lips crashing on mine, her hand on my nape forcing me to plunge into the kiss deeper than I can possibly imagine, her kiss was rough, but unexpectedly full of passion. She lets go when she felt me gasping for air.

Are you near? Do you want to cum?I nodded furiously at her question, which she scowled and started going slower, making me whine out of frustration.

Use your words. F*ck I don't even know if I can construct a single word in my chaotic state. My mind was just a complete blur, following on nothing more but mere instinct.

S-shit y-yes please! I'm almost there! D-dont stop! My eyes are now staring at her icy blue ones, begging, pleading for her to go back in rhythm. She smiled wickedly, her mouth agape due to being aroused herself, her breath, very uneven, her pupils dilated as if under the influence of an addictive drug.

She merely chuckled at my desperate request, but soon went back to rhythm, whispering praises on my ear.

I-im coming oh sh*t! F*CK! Thank you mommy oh god!
I clutched her shoulders to support myself, as I finally felt the sweet orgasm I desperately yearned for, every twitch of my muscles sent a massive amount of ecstasy in my soul, my warm juices flowing out if me felt heavenly.

Well done darling. She lets go of me and caught me with her body, carrying me like a fragile object. For a minute she was just standing there, relishing on my euphoric state, she was proud of what she had done to me, stroking my hair lovingly, as if a painter adoring it's masterpiece.

Everything just felt so wonderful, the sex, her touch, warmth, her voice, everything. I snuggled deeply in her embrace, as I was met by unconsciousness.

A/N: hopefully it was good! It's hard creating smutty sh*t when you haven't experienced it yourself! Anyways, thank you for reading!

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now