Chapter 7: Not Purely Cruel

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I dragged her across the dim halls where we can't be seen and bothered

My Lord y/n what was that?!! I thought you were a goner! I exhaled out of frustration and paced side by side, biting my nails
I don't know Aurellia, she knows, she was in my head! I'm afraid that the moment I step inside her school, she's going to hunt me down! And when she finally does... I shivered she won't stop until I surrender myself and m-make me her toy!  I slumped on the ground, knees touching my chest. And the worst part of all *sniff* I don't know if I'm afraid or aroused! That made Aurellia's face to worried to deadpan. But still, she hugged me, and never knew how much I needed her warm embrace, relief washed over me. She let go and sighed real hard.
D*mn it, and here I thought you guys can be something, like I don't know, work it out. She went besides me and rested her head on my shoulder. I knew she was gonna be your type, but f*ck! She's taking Sadism to a whole new level! And this is turning you on?! F*cking whore. I glanced at surrounding, checking if we were still alone and hugged her, she hugged back, squeezing me a little. We need to get back Aurellia, it's almost dark. I said, trying to get up, but she was persistent, as I saw a tear, wanting to fall. Just a little bit more y/n... I almost lost you today, I can't imagine my life without you sis... You're all I have. My heart cried cause of her words... I was really carelesss today... I sighed and just hugged her again. Don't worry Aurellia, she just got into my head because my guard was down! That would never happen if I'm aware. To be honest... I wasn't quite sure if I was trying to convince her or myself... But still she nodded and we stand up, dusting off our dress. You be careful y/n. I'm f*cking serious. And just like that, we went our separate ways for now.


As I made my way back to the school for Good, I pondered when I will get my schedule for the whole semester, or am I supposed to wait for a couple of days just so they can figure out how they will squeeze my subject in? Gosh this is giving me a massive headache, I haven't recovered from what happened, awhile ago ... But you gotta admit that was hot... No? Hypocrites.

Ah there she is!  I spun my head as I saw princesses coming out from the entrance of their school, they looked excited and their giggles filled the air.
Ms. Y/N they said gently and curtsied a little, that's ... Weird? Aren't they the snotty little brats who insulted me earlier?
We do apologize from our behaviour this morning, and we wanted to start over again, I'm Beatrix ahhh the one who said that my filthiness was contagious and left me with the fairies as they rudely shoved me towards the school... Lovely, I mentally chuckled, since they realized I was going to be a teacher, I figured, they re just sucking up. But hey hey, let's not get all judgy, maybe they are trying to be nice.

When the last princess was done introducing, I told them that it was my pleasure to be good acquaintance.
Now then! Why don't we all go back to our dorms, it's getting quite late, who knows what will happen you little br- I mean young ladies. They nodded in agreement and went back after they did a little curtsy at me again.
We look forward to your class Ms. Y/N. Truthfully, we were hoping you would last, even it's just a week~ Oh how delightful would it be? Right girls? Which they all positively answered, After all, if you're not used to the revolting personalities of those insufferable Nevers then you might want to prepare yourself to be... Demented *giggles*

I'm sorry... Was that a warning? Are they trying to scare me or something? I thought they were gonna be nice?! My anxiety just blew up in another level, oh for heavens sake, I stomped forward, looking for Dovey, no wait wait calm down y/n, don't be rash, everything's according to plan, remember Aurellia, you need to check up on her as often as you can since she's stupid and reckless.

So instead of stomping, I walked calmly towards Dovey's office and gently knocked, waiting for the professor to grant me access inside.

Come in dearie. As soon as I opened the door, the Headmaster was there, holding some documents, and I felt myself rousing with feverish feeling...

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now