Chapter 9: Stop the Teasing!

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I kept struggling to get out from her grasp, but why in the goddamn world is this woman so strong?!

You, you, you... She lets our a dark chuckle. Assaulting a Dean in your first day? How despicable of you, are you that desperate for punishment? She released my throat   harshly as I gleefully  inhale a lungful of air.

Me?! You were the one who assaulted first! I groaned at the painful feeling in my neck, I know that somehow the choke is turning me on, but heck! The fact that she tried to somehow kill me is turning me off a little bit!  she s dangerous She s not like the other women I slept with!

We don't even have a safe word for hecks sake!

You knew that the your magic is dangerous for me! But still you kept going with no remorse, if I wasn't lucky, I could have been a puppet or a dog following your every urges and sadistic kinks! I said with panic eyes, while backing away from the evil Dean, denying her access to get or hurt me.

She moaned slightly at my words as she sat down once again, putting her elbows above the table and lacing her fingers together. She looked at me with such rapacious eyes, gazing at me like I'm some object to be obtained.

Now now don't tease me with your proposal darling, I might not hold myself back. I squinted my eyes at her, disbelief in my expression as I analyzed her words. This is turning her on? I mean yeah.. that s arousing, but can we just like, have sex without turning the other one into a mindless slave?

So, why don't you first Sit down, and we'll talk about how your actions today will be... Penalized.
I was rudely forced to sit down with her magic, surprising me as I let out a small yelp. She smirked at my reaction as she threw a key in front of me.

That's your key to your room, I expect you to navigate your way there yourself.  I looked at her while dragging the key closer to me in a cautious way. Unsure if she had any more... Wicked surprises.

A word of advice though, the walls in my school are rather thin, so if it ever crossed your pathetic little Ever mind to perform such... Debauched actions, I will be the first one to notice and hunt you down. She leaned closer to me and grabbed my chin harshly. The feeling of  her nails digging deeper into my skin, made me moan internally. God this is both painful and hot! Aurellia's right, I am a freaking wh*re.

She is so freaking close that I closed my eyes instinctively as I immediately felt her hot breath on my ear.

And trust me my sweet little plaything, you wouldn't want that.
She immediately lets go and I opened my eyes out of shock due to her sudden movement. Her finger glowed as she flicked her wrist, magically opening the door behind me.

Take a rest for tomorrow, I do not tolerate tardiness in my school. I nodded and slowly walked away from her, she, however lowered her gaze into the piling document on her table.

Tomorrow lunch, I expect you to be here to discuss about your punishment. I trust that you are not stupid enough to disobey me darling. She smirked at her words, still looking at the papers, not noticing that I halted my movements and became stiff at the mention of "punishment". When she did, she flicked her wrist again causing her magic to push me out of her chambers.

Run along now dear, before I change my mind and bind you on my bed until I see fit. Earning one last look and smirk from her, the doors slammed on my face, making me gasp, as I trembled about what in the heavens freak just happened...

God that was... Exciting and scary at the same time. I walked amongst the dark halls, trying to find the door with the same number on my key. Whatever happened today, can never make me sleep. And as much as I want to release this painful tension between my shaking thighs, her warning was still ringing in my head.

What if I just stay quiet? Like... Gag myself? That would work that would work.... But then again, I'm not going to test her words... Not right now, where the events for today is exhausting. I just needed to sleep... Painfully aroused... Let's just hope that a succubus will join me in my dreams and take care of my needs.

Room R1... This must be it. I unlocked the rather huge and elegant door hurriedly, and scanned the room, it was dark at first, but the candles and torches lit up on cue when I entered.  I don't know if Lady Lesso herself picked this chambers for me... But my god this room is classy. With no hesitation, I jumped on top of the bed, feeling my muscles relaxed. As I felt myself drifting to slumberland. OH WAIT before I forgot, I need to summon some succubus to take care of me, since I can't do it physically
I was about to get my flute but then I remembered.... My flute was left in Lady Lesso's office.
My heart sank with dread as I realized.... I am not getting my sweet release today...

The fact that I fell asleep was a miracle to be honest.

A/N: I know guys, no smut chapters yet, but I promise it's nearer than you think, it might be the next update or the next next one. But for now, o KY teasing~

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now