Chapter 18: The Reveal

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Aurellia's POV:

That's weird. I said, while leaning my ears on the walls, searching for a certain sound we've been accustomed to hear every night... Yes, it is kinda weird to listen your sister getting f*cked every night, but we gotta admit, it does give us a little bit of entertainment in these boring nights.

Sometimes we would bet who would beg first... It wasn't a fair gamble.

At first we were worried, not only students are present in this school, but also some staff and teachers, we were afraid that they might snitch them to the headmaster, or even to Prof. Dovey, after all, Evers and Nevers do not belong together! I say B*llshit!

Fortunately! Lady Lesso warned them before hand... Wait wait... I don't thinks warned is the right word... Threatened... Yes... That's the word...

Did they fight or something? Anadil asked, also putting her ear against the wall.

No no, Lady Lesso would f*ck her brains out if they did. Hester commented while opening door, checking for echoes that might passed our room. That earned a nod from Dot, agreeing to Hester's opinion.

We started arguing about what could be the cause of a f*ckingless night, one of us said that maybe y/n died from too much, the other said they probably just used sound proofed magic, y/n's gagged, Lady Lesso moved their location and many meaningless sh*t.

Until Dot opened the window to get some fresh air did we heard the sorrowful music from y/n's flute. It was enough for us to stop our mouths from babbling.

We all looked at each other and hurried to the opened window, the night breeze welcoming us as the moonlight shone brighter than any other night.

None of us actually moved from the spot, just silently listening to the sound carried by the wind. Not until I heard a sniffle

... My Lord.. are you tearing up Hester?! You?! She smacked my head and rolled her eyes, while I groaned at the lingering pain.

F*cking hell I'm just asking.

3rd person's POV

Both deans didn't waste any second upon hearing the horrifying news about y/n's whereabouts, especially Lesso. She tried to think about the possible things that could have led you to do such suicidal action, for the Blue Forest is a a dangerous and unpredictable place...

She thought if she did something that may upset her in any way, or maybe
She lacked something, did her affection towards the music teacher didn't reach her? Or maybe it wasn't her that's the problem, what if she's fighting a battle only she would know, after all, Lesso would always notice how y/n sometimes felt stiff and uneasy.

Then they heard it... The music did not only reached their ears, but also everyone on the land of S.G.E, it was such a woeful tune, that can even thaw the most cold hearted person.

When they reached the gates of the Blue forest, but this time, together Yuba, since he also sensed the disturbance inside. the gates were wide open, and red mist was shortly noticed but soon disappeared, confusing them further.

Dovey, at this point, was weeping, saying how the music was too much for her heart, much to the displeasure of the Evil Dean, shoving her way in front, her finger glowing, in case a reaper might come out and attack.
Much to their horror, there were a number of them, all gathered into groups, terrifyingly still, but strangely enough they weren't attacking.

The music must have been affecting them too... Come along now. Yuba instructed, eager to get out of the forest before the music stops, after all, once it does happen, it wouldn't be a lovely scenario getting chased by tens of them at once.

They followed the sound, where it gets louder and clearer, and there she was, standing dangerously near the cliff, one more step and it would end in her demise. Her playing figure was simply ethereal as moon light touched her skin, her hair swaying with the breeze.

None of them approached y/n yet, afraid that they might startle the poor girl. But not long after, y/n halted her music with a deep sigh, unwanted tears started cascading down her face. Was it sadness that she felt? Or was it relief? Perhaps tears of joy? No one really knows, not even y/n herself.


When I lowered my flute, I was alarmed at the sudden presence and quickly glanced behind me. Freak... They caught me! Leonora was the first to approach me, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she's mad and pissed.. after all, I did sneaked in a place that seemed off limits.

They thought she was going to hurt me Lesso! Dovey cried, reaching for the redhead, while I stood pasted on the ground waiting for whatever she was gonna do and closed my eyes.

But instead... I was greeted with a warm coat surrounding my shivering body, making my body stiff at the surprise, but not only that, I was caught in a tight embrace by the redhead, earning a few shocked gasps from the two teachers.

Once she let go, she cupped my face with both of her hands, wiping some of the strayed tears on my cheeks and made me look at her.. are you alright darling? I was very worried! What in world would've gotten inside your little ever mind to seek such reckless wander?!

Her outburst left me dumbfounded that I couldn't make a response. and then I realized we were still connected through thoughts so I answered her there

I'm fine Nora, I-I just... Got curious about this place..

Spare me the excuses, do you think of me as a fool? I'll extract the answers from you later by all means necessary!

There's no need for that really! Curiosity got the better of me and I didn't realize I was here near the cliff

Oh please y/n enough with the lies

But I'm not!

Then why are you crying?!

Our heated telepathic argument was disturbed when we heard Dovey's shaky voice . L-Lesso... You and Y/N? Horrified looks from the two of them, as they eagerly waited for one of us to answer... Desperately hoping that this was just a silly thing... Hoping that we would prove them wrong of their suspicions towards our relationship with each other... But much to their dismay, Lenora would deny them relief and peace of mind

She grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to her then faced them. Yes princess, were together.

Dovey's face turned pale. This is outrageous Lesso! You, out of all the people here, know that Evers and Nevers do not belong together!

It's horrendous really! Yuba remarked

We have to tell this to the headmaster, this is too big of a secret! The Dean for Good was supposed to run away and unto the headmaster with Yuba, but my cracked voice managed to stop them on their tracks.

Prof. Dovey, I won't stop you with your plans to tell our headmaster... But please... I really want to rest for tonight... Can you àtleast grant me that request? I pleaded, making her reconsider her actions.

Begging does suit you darling.

I shrugged a little at her comment

It's one of my best assets.

She cleared her throat and composed herself I... I apologize for disregarding your state sweetie, it's just too much... But of course, we can agree with that, right Prof. Yuba? Which he nodded slowly, contemplating if he agree with the godmother.

Dovey walked towards us and gave us a handkerchief. She said it can teleport us in the Evil School once we dropped it to the ground.

I said my thank you s to them and signalled for Leonora to drop it together.

Once we teleported in the school, we were Infront of her office. I stretched my body, eager to relax, and just plain happy that it was over

But for Leonora, it was far from over.

A/N: Sorry had to cut this one short, I wanted to upload but I'm just tired, so this is what I've done for now... Hopefully there s only a few mistakes

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now