Chapter 13: Misunderstanding

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Back so soon child? The moment I opened my eyes, the first thing that I saw was the excited face of my mother.
Which of course, startled me, considering how close her beaming face is.

Ack! Ma! What the heck?! I scrambled away from her, accidentally banging my head on the shelf near my bed. I grunted from the ... Is it even painful? I mean, it is a dream, so maybe I'm just imagining it

Why are you still here in my dreams? Aren't you supposed to be back to Utopia? She hopped on my bed next to me then grabbed a pillow. She looked at me as if she s waiting for something.

Well child, I'm supposed to go, but thennn. She wiggled her eyebrows at me... I sensed that you were in "dangerous situation", can't blame me child I'm your mother, I was very worried, so I figured to take a peek on what's happening on my dear daugh- my eyes widened, when I realized where this is going. This is practically one of the most embarrassing scenario anyone could imagine!

Ma! Don't tell me you saw that... She grinned and squealed when she realized, I realized what she meant... God how old is she? 15?

Now don't worry my dear, I would never watch it, the moment it started I stopped spying on you. But you do realize sex requires a certain give and take right? I buried my flustered face on my hands.

So you did watch?! I screamed, but came out a little muffled.

Mmm.... Just a peak... But anyways as I was saying, give and take, and all you've done was take from that person. Should I keep listening? God this is so awkward.

What do you even mean ma? Get to the point, this topic is slowly taking my life away. I heard her sigh and judging by the tone of it, she's probably shaking her head sideways.

I mean, if that was me left hanging, all pent up and aroused, I would certainly hate you for sleeping on me. I abruptly lifted my head to face her. I cant believe I'm having this kind of talk with my mother.

I never asked her to do it.

Oh it's a "she", I'm so proud of my child, is she hot?

The hottest person I kn- ack ma!

Return the favor my child, I never raised you as a selfish little brat. I rolled my eyes at her. But still, what she said made sense, I can never function properly if I knew Lesso hated me. But why?? Why does that women always occupies my thoughts?!

I groaned as a sign that I agreed to what she said, which she returned with glee.

But please, don't spy on me, or else I won't do it! I really won't!

Oh don't act like you don't want it child. She scoffed at my plea but with enough persuasion she agreed not to.

Now then, off you go! I believe you still got a lot of things to do. Our surrounding was becoming a blur, an indication that I will be soon waking up. I hugged mother while saying my goodbyes.

Well, if you're in the School for Good and Evil, then there is a lot of things to do. I smiled, but when I faced my mother, dread was written all over, as if she was greatly perplexed on what I said.

She took both of my hands, trembling and unsteady. Ma? What's wrong? I nervously asked her

Everything was already getting hazy, but still no answer came from her. I was getting uneasy by the tension she's creating. Until finally, she replied with a shaky voice, disturbing me.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now