Chapter 5: Don't Change it!

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Aurellia don't you hecking dare... A wide toothy grin was plastered on her face as I slowly shook my head, I can't do anything if we get in trouble! Oh sh*t, she looked at me dead in the eye "Control. Him" as she went and got a sword from the ground, she wanted to fight Tedros and wants me to mess up his head so that she can get the upper hand! How about a real fight eh Princey?? She cooed while walking down the steps finally facing Tedros, the Nevers were unsure but still cheered for her, welp, were doomed.
My heart was beating so fast as I excused myself and went to the hidden part of the hall, where little to no one can see me, but I still need to see Tedros if I planned to control him. Pretty sure this won't work, and she s getting her ass kicked. My sister ... Always in rush of things, always wanted the thrill and excitement whatever life can offer. I mentally sighed, but still I love the spoiled brat even if she s like that.

I'm sorry little never girl, But I think it's too unfair if we battle. The Evers laughed, mocking Aurellia, she knew where I was and just smirked. Really, I think you re just afraid you're getting you f*cking ass kicked by a "little never girl" like me. Oh well, guess the mighty Tedros was a sham and d*mn p*ssy after all. The ever girls gasped and started murmuring, while the Nevers eyes glinted maliciously with excitement. As much as I want to see what the Deans expressions are, I can't see them since I'm a little far away, but I feel like they are not going to stop this- I shivered and looked everywhere... someone is watching me... It feels very uncomfortable and uneasy... My skin were getting goosebumps, and my head were filled with thoughts, until a certain clang and cheers snapped me out of it. I looked over center and found out that they were clashing.
Oh for god's sake Aurellia , I saw her having a hard time, and so I started playing the flute only for Tedros to hear, despite the burning gaze of someone I can't really see, I concentrated like there s no tomorrow.

Everyone in the hall can see how Tedros was acting, like he was hexed and couldn't focus, gave Aurellia a big upper hand, he stumbled and tripped, shaking his head, trying to get rid of that hypnotizing music, but failed miserably, the Nevers were all laughing, and suddenly his sword glowed and he slammed it on the ground with force, cause a huge impact on Aurellia, causing her to back up. Not Fair he has Excalibur! Her friend shouted. She slowly rose up and looked at me and nodded, I know dear sis, let's end this. I can't believe I'm also getting hyped. Sighs

With my fullest power, I mercilessly penetrated his mind, as he staggered and tried to cover his ear but only to be kicked by Aurellia causing him to drop on his back with a thud, and her sword's tip near his neck
Looks like Princey lose! And Nevers won!!! Cheers and screams from the Nevers can be heard and the the Evers were full of scowling and grunts, dismayed that their win streak was ruined
Aurellia looked at me, happy and pouted cause she wanted to hug me, I just clapped my hands and mouthed "You're. Welcome. B*tch" she was delighted and went back with the Nevers giving her a tap on the shoulder or something else. As I was going back to my seat, I felt something toting inside my head, I caught my head with my hand and grunted, as the pain slowly went away I heard someone. Well done, Darling. I abruptly stand up and looked around, who?! Who saw me, I kept myself well hidden, how can anybody saw me?! I disregarded it and went back to my seat, still startled, Aurellia probably noticed it as I saw her face me with concern, I just smiled waved my hand saying that I'm okay.
The orientation moved forward, the Deans talking about something important until somebody new came, this must be the headmaster, looks like I would need to perform soon, if this goes well, I'm smacking Aurellia's head first thing in class.

Besides, I'm sure this new class will perform exceptionally well.

And like your parents before you, you are all here because the world of story needs great heroes and villains to teach the people of the outside world to make choices to find their way.

So, obey the rules, study hard, and remember, the Storian only chooses the very best of our students for their own adventure.

Everyone clapped as the headmaster's speech came to an end.

Before I end this delightful orientation, there will be a new teacher joining us starting today, and she will be graciously giving us, a piece of her glorious talent, may I present to all of you, Y/N Castillon!
As soon as he said that, I felt very nervous, my breath was caught in my throat and my vision felt blurry, Dovey had noticed it and started the music with magic. The hall became dim and a spotlight was made for my, following my every movement.

As soon as I heard the music, it was very fairytale like, my toes moved on and my mind felt fuzzy, but still I had control, swaying and circling across the hall for everyone to see, I slightly looked at Lady Lesso, and she was staring intently at me, but she looked bored and unimpressed, I felt a little disappointed in myself, why do I need to feel to impress this intimidating woman...these feelings of mine, maybe it was just lust. Must be, don't be silly Y/N, you can't love someone at first sight. I once again felt myself freely dancing, felt every beat and rhythm. I can hear how the Evers were faintly gasping, and cooing, after all, this is Dovey's Magic, Dark Magic on the other hand... Is not to be messed with when I'm at the mercy of music.

I kept twirling and gliding, I closed my eyes and let the music lead me. I've never felt like this for a long time, it s as if I'm floating. I smiled at myself

For a few minutes, when the music s getting intense, I felt like I released magic that glimmered around me. As this earned another set of awe from the Evers, and heard Dovey giggling..

(This part will depend on when you want to end the music)

My eyes widened mentally, it's getting softer, and fainter, why s the music halting.
Sudden realization hit me like a tons of brick... no wait STOP!

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now