Chapter 23: Headmaster's Decision

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Not only did you create disturbance today, but also you ventured inside the Blue Forest without permission, putting danger to you and to the other who went to retrieve you.

I was standing in the end of the table that divides the teaching staff of good and evil, on the very far front of me was the headmaster, on the right is where the Evil sat and on the left was the Good.

The pressure and tension was making me nervous as I fidget with my fingers, my gaze scatters to the different familiar faces, I caught a glimpse of the worried expression of Nora, but hid it with serious face.

They are looking at me as if I'm a criminal

I... I... As if cat got my tongue, I struggled to explain making one of the Evil teacher annoyed at my action

He groaned speak up! We don't have all-- he yelped in pain and surprise as Nora's cane smacked on his chest, cutting his words short, which took the attention of everyone. She glared at one her teaching staff, which made him shrunk to his seat, and looked at me, nodding in encouragement  to continue.

A-at first... I cleared my throat, gaining their attention I really.. was curious to go inside the Blue forest... I wanted to explore it..

How did you got in? It was tight shut. Yuba interfered

The vines from the wall. I answered, they gasped, saying that it was dangerous and much more.

Headmaster hushed them
And how did you get down? With the vines I assume? It took me a moment to answer, creating tension.

I shook my head slowly, confusing them further. H-he pushed me off the wall, but cushioned the impact with smoke... This time it was Nora who asked


... I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

His name is Rafal.

Screeches from the chair startled me as most of them stood up with an alarmed expression, scowling and expressing words of bewilderment.

I quickly looked at Nora and found her staring at me intensely and I felt pain in my head, I winced silently as she pierced in my thoughts again.

What the f*ck y/n?! Did you lie to me about your memories?!

It just got it back when I woke up! I promise

I retorted

Silence! Everyone! They all hushed as the Headmaster raised his tone and stood up, making the room

Tell the truth y/n

I know

Panicking, won't solve anything. Miss y/n, what did he do to you? The teachers went back to their seat, but this time, everyone were at their nerves end, watching me ineffably, waiting for my answer.

If I tell them what he wants with me.. My plan to kill Rafal will never happen.

My plan was to receive his magic and feed mine until it conquers every inch of my body and mind, it's a suicide plan, mother would say, but the only reason she lost control because she wasn't aware that Rafal was pulling the strings, her emotions also, but I plan to take control of my everything, whether it's magic or emotions.

The moment I successfully become an evil witch, he will kill me in my confused and berserk state... That's what he thought

I'm not mother.

If my magic can revive him...

Then it can also destroy him

I hesitantly showed them my hand, motioning forward, to them. They leaned closely trying to catch a glimpse of what it was.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now