Chapter 6: Dance of Death

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As the Good Dean continued to play the music with her magic for Y/N, Lesso felt bored of it, and smirked as she have other mischievous plan in mind.

Oh just look at her, Graceful and Elegant, like a flower being blown with the wind, blessing the eyes of those who can see it flutter around the meadow Dovey said, the headmaster chuckled at her comment and nod his head in agreement.
I say, I can sense that she can be a wonderful Teacher for our students.

Hmm, I suppose so, but it's missing something don't you think princess? As Lesso's finger glowed bright yellow confusing Dovey.
I beg your pardon? But it's perfect Lesso. The Dean of Evil only rolled her eyes as she sighed.
Perfect for the likes of you. But remember the rules, she must also teach in my school, and if she can't handle this kind of simple magic as soon as she flicked her wrist, Dovey's music was cancelled, and instead replaced by music, fit for Nevers, mixed with Lesso's Dark Magic. They saw Y/N took a halt, eyes fluttering but still in a haze, and just as the music started, her eyes went wide, and looked straight at Lesso earning a dark grin from the woman
Then I suppose she wouldn't last a day here. She banged the cane rather harshly earning a startled gasp from Dovey

Headmaster?! Dovey faced him, as he assured her with his hand.
Lesso has a point, this is after all a test, to see if she is qualified to teach both school.

A few seconds you just stand there, trying to pull away from the trance that is further inviting you, pulling you deeply in it's warm embrace. You shivered at the thought that it's devouring you slowly, until there's no sign of your conscious mind. You felt yourself losing control of your body, and mindlessly dancing at the music that lullabies your head into submitting.

This is not happening! as my hands made movement, and swayed as the music ordered me to, so this is what it feels like when I hypnotize others. As I spun around, emitting a dark aura around me, this is not good, I should've warned Dovey about this, but hey, it's clearly me who's at fault, and me being trapped inside this trance and being a forever slave to whoever owns this magic, yeah it's all on me. Even my eyes are open, everything is completely a daze


The music is getting intense, I'm blacking ou-- NO! STOP Y/N, I took a deep inhale and sighed, I can do this, just be conscious until the music stops, or maybe fight this magic... UGHH this is exactly what mother warned me about back then, if they found out that I can't control myself when influenced magic stronger than mine, they will take advantage of me!

I struggled, struggled so hard that if I can bite my lower lips right now, it would bee bleeding! Once again I felt myself being dragged harshly by this cursed music!

Aurellia's POV:

This does not look good, I'm hyperventilating so bad I felt like my f*cking lungs are gonna pop! Y/N what the hell?!! Why do you look so ... Dead? As the sound kept getting louder, y/n aura became more sinister , as if she's changing, and becoming someone she's not. For the Nevers, this spine chilling scene before us only sparked excitement in their veins, watching her like hawks, such an impact you make y/n, to get the attention of both side, and gain their respect.

My horror increased when black mist started emitting from your hands, replacing the glimmer you once had, it circled around you, enveloping you, earning gasps and shrills, shrieks and awes! But this is f*cking far from good news, You are losing it! I had to do something!

Without thinking I stand up and screamed Y/N! SNAP OU- I gasped as she spun her head quickly at my location, her eyes still dim and in a daze, even though her mouth was trying so hard to spit this word, but it was very clear to me " DONT!" I don't know why, but I just shut my trap, and helplessly looked at her.


somehow I'm still me, and im barely managing it, were almost done here, please just a few more minutes and I can end this Dance of Death!

Poor little ever, you look distressed
I gasped at that sound as I heard that person made a sinister chuckle. Lady Lesso, she s here, in my head, but how?! Back then it was also her who saw me during the Aurellia's fight with Tedros!

I shivered as I heard her again
How's my gift little ever? Oh I do adore how you slowly become, hmm how do I say this, ah yes, slowly become my sweet little plaything? Sh*t sh*t, fear's making this worse, but still, that's hot- sh*t she's still here
You really are making this more interesting, as much as I enjoy being entertained, why don't you surrender yourself to me, it's quiet easy don't you think darling? Just. Let. Go. My eyes widened, how the f*ck did she know?!

Y/N! SNAP OU- I Didn't know how I did it, but I got a hold of my self and looked at Aurellia, she might blurt out my weakness in front of everyone, it's bad that Lesso already knows, but not others! I ll be in trouble! So even though there is no voice I mouthed Don't, she closed her mouth and sat down again. I felt having control of my limbs again, the music must be coming to an end. I now have fully controlled my body and time to finish this, I spun around gracefully and ended it with a bow Infront of the Deans and the Headmaster.
I opened my eyes again, and this time, I can see clearly, such a terrifying experience, I no longer wish to partake on that kind.. of thing...

Everybody clapped and filled the hall with praises, unknowing that I almost became a mindless body, Dovey, though worry was evident in her face, but still clapped and was in awe. I looked at Lesso... And again, sharp chills on my back as I saw her smirking at me, and clapping slowly.

She looked at me intently, and felt my head being ripped apart, I instantly averted my gaze, she's trying to get inside my head again! I scurried back to my seat, ignoring the praises the Evers gave me, I'm still shocked by what happened.

Last thing I heard was the Deans telling us to go back to our dorms. Sighs, this will be a complete torture... Not that I'm complaining. Sh*t I'm mad am I? God don't you just love being dominated. I laughed at myself. I felt someone tugging me, and it was Aurellia with a worried expression.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now