Chapter 22: Lost Control

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1 week?! Dovey was startled by my outburst, which I immediately apologized for

That's right dearie, in 1 week you will get your finger glow she clasped my hands together and giggled with excitement. As for me, I managed to force a smile and a squeal... I played with my porridge while in deep thoughts, though this caught the attention of the Good Dean, she pat me in the back and smiled don't fret dear, I asked Lesso to punish the Never who ruined the porridge last time, you can eat in peace. My eyes widened at her comment and I managed not to make it obvious. I said my thanks as I felt worry enveloped my whole being

Did Nora hurt Aurellia?! I know she needs to be punished for that, but I was the only one who ate it, and I didn't wish for her to be ... Oh f*ck

I stood up and went directly to the Nevers table, getting some of their attention, even Nora's, but I was too worried to care.

I grabbed Aurellia's wrist and dragged her outside. H-hey I'm not in trouble right?? She asked.

But I only hugged her, crying.. ok ok call me a drama queen, but the only thing that could make me cry is when my loved ones are hurt, Aurellia... She s my only family, I ll take any blame, punishment, pain, and grief in exchange for her happiness, I ll gladly give my life for her, she's my everything when I was left with nothing... When I was all alone, she was the only one who gave me warmth.

Where did she hurt you?! I hurriedly asked, scanning and patting her body, searching for scars and wounds.


Dovey told me you got punished by Lesso! I said, crouching so I can see if her thighs have any scars, just like how Nora whipped mines.

Tears cascading down my face as the thought of Aurellia's pain and screams disturbed me very much, I knew how Nora would punish her students, I saw the Doom Room! I was in there!  The thought was enough to almost give me a nervous breakdown

Why didn t you tell me?! Aurellia I don't want you getting hurt! Please stop being reckless!! I can't protect you at all times and it kills me! I knelt down and hugged her tightly, my head on her stomach. She stiffed at my actions and stuttered at her words.

It was the sinking feeling that something would've happened to her horribly and I was oblivious to that and couldn't do anything! I became a teacher so I could protect her!

I do love Nora, but it's different when it comes to Aurellia.

H-hey sis, I'm okay she didn-

What's going on here? The voice that would've made me beam in excitement was now making my blood boil as I glared at the redhead.

She must've noticed my expression and glared back at me, a sign that tells me to compose myself, but I didn't.

I stood up still glaring, with my eyes still releasing tears as I walked to her slowly. You

As if on cue, Aurellia held me back with force, as I struggled to release from her grip and claw Nora, every ounce of reason was erased as rage controlled me... Just like how mother felt...

S-she didn't do anything! Y/N! In my head I couldn't hear anything but the loud rhythm of my beating heart, I wanted to kill whoever dared to hurt my sister, I was blinded by blood thirst and revenge as I felt my fingers throb with Magic, oblivious to the fact that Rafal's magic was affecting me, in fact the feeling of rage was new, I never felt so out of control, but at the same time... powerful

A force brought me to my knees as I struggled to get out of it. Her finger glowed brightly as she walked towards me slowly compose yourself darling, I don't want to hurt you.

But I couldn't register what she said, only mumbled words got inside my mind. I was like a rabid beast, filled nothing but savagery and an instinct to kill, I got out of her magic and run towards her aimlessly slashing magic on her direction, which she deflected all of it, I backed away quickly, creating distance, it must've cause a commotion inside the Halls as students and teachers started to pile outside, Dovey ran near us but Lesso stopped her with a barrier enveloping only the two of us

I screamed with magic, trying to break the barrier and attack others,  straining my throat as I felt it break and bleed.
You're hurting yourself! What has gotten into you?

I was about to scream again but a soothing voice penetrated my mind.

Don't lose to his magic my child, control you emotions, don't end up like me.

Upon the slow realization, my glare suddenly soften as everything turned clear again, my vision no longer surrounded by rage, my breathing started becoming normal and the moment I can hear clearly, I heard my sister crying and begging me to snap out of it.

I weakly knelt to the ground as energy escaped my body.

I lost control... This was mother's warning... The moment I lose control of my emotions, Rafal will invade and manipulate my mind and senses with no hesitation...

...  I need to act quick, I need to kill him once and for all

Nora ran towards me and helped me to get up. I'm sorry, Im sorry I lost control I didn't mean to hurt you. She calmly hushed me and told me it was okay, Dovey went to our side and checked for injuries, my throat was the only thing that needed healing.. fortunately.

The other teachers ushered all of the students to go back to their school, including Aurellia, though she didn't let them take her away without a fight, but Dovey assured her that I'm in great hands, which she reluctantly agreed to go back.

The soft steps of the Headmaster caught our attention... miss Y/n, I believe you owe us an explanation

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now