Chapter 3: Teacher of Music

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Slowl- ! Hey!! I was shoved inside a room rather rudely and pondered if this is how the school for good treats it's guest, they left me here and I dumbly wondered the room I was in, a huge table adorned with flowers and a mirror was the first thing I noticed, I cringed the hell? What s this, a room dedicated to boost narcism?-
Hello there dear! So good to see you
That startled the freak out of me! Shit I almost smacked this.... Whoever she is on her head, just like I did with the fairy
Um.. hello to you too? I smiled unsurely, gesturing her to further give me some info about her, please just let this be over with! Wait... I wonder how's Aurellia, I swear if she died, I won't be cleaning up her mess, I sighed internally.
I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School -
For Good, yeah I got it, Listen I'm not supposed to be here? It was obvious she was pissed by what I did, but instead of voicing out her unpleasantry, she just smiled more and cleared her throat...
I believed there is no mistake when you were brought here dearie! And look at your state, you are completely in a distressful look! Come now come now and let's get your groomed up! As soon as she said that, rows and rows of sparkly gowns appeared, and trust me, I'm not a fan of... Frilly things, so I asked her if there were... Darker gowns? Like maybe Black would be great. But I don't want to get my hopes ups, considering I have a low chance in getting one
Oh dear we don't have a black one, for Good only wear the color of purity and happiness! Now that's nonsense right there, but I can only just nod, since she s the only one who can answer some of my further questions, considering she s the Dean, being on her bad side, would be just a stupid move
Then uhm please, can I àtleast get a dress that s not... Puffy and...hopefully less brighter- Oh I haven't introduced myself yet I'm Y/N-
Yes dearie we are aware of your arrival reader~Y/N Castillon from the Kingdom of Ellanor she said with a smile, and started to look for a dress to fit me, now that's confusing...
By reader, you mean those who... Can read right?
Those who read about the amazing adventures and fairytales are lucky to be a part of this amazing institution! Ok now this doesn't add ups, I looked at her quite confused, she did notice the uncertainty of my expression
Is something the matter? She asked a little more serious
I.. I don't read... Those kind of books professor Dovey, I even dislike them, I mean, the other one that came with me here does, but not me... So why am I here? She was completely baffled bout what I said, and slowly nods her head, as if she s trying hard to understand why and how I was dropped here, but then she quickly recovered and urged me to quickly clean and dress myself-- is that a corset?! Just kill me please, I'm happy dying as a virgin if it means getting, oh wait never mind, false alarm everyone false alarm.

Aurellia's Pov:

Attention! Attention future evils! With a bang of her cane harshly meeting the floor, not even one of us dared to make a single movement or noise and focused on the woman Infront, my Lord she is PERFECT! But how?!! How will I make y/n meet her and somehow have a conversation, if that s even possible, by the looks of this woman, pain and wickedness is her language, not that y/n would mind, oh this is exciting! Big sis don't worry! I ll act as the f*cking cupid for your pathetic excuse of a love life!
If you open your tiny little bloodshot eyes, you'll find your dormitory and class schedules around the hall.

It would serve you well to memorize both.

Make me proud.
YES!! OH Y/N YOU ARE MISSING OUT! right now if you were here you would be screaming YES MOMMY! my Lord that's hilarious! As I was handed a piece of paper, written there was details of our dormitory and those... Who I'm with... ROOMIESSS! It just keeps getting better and better!! As I run towards the hall finding my dorm blinded by excitement that I accidentally bumped into someone
F*ck I'm sorry- Oh You!! The hair sniffing boy from earlier! He smiled enthusiastically I'm Hort by the way! As I reached out for his hand, it FELL OFF! ACK YOUR HAND oh... It was just a fake one, can I even slap people with this?? Looked so sloppy. I'm Aurellia Castillon, hey I'm trying to find my dorm, can you guide me if thats okay with you? He looked excited, my Lord he's adorable kinda creepy a little, but meh, those old geezers and suitors of mine were much more .... Disgusting and inhumane looking, just thinking about them makes me feel mad, to think they almost succeeded in controlling me for the rest of my f*cking life! Ha! I'm never going back there, even if it means destroying my own destiny.

As Aurellia and Hort ran through the halls the School for Evil, Clarissa was giving a short tour of the School for Good for Y/N

And as you can see here y/n, this is the beautification classroom, where you will learn everything a princess might need to look like to obtain true love~ yay, I'm so excited to look like stuck up b*tches who know nothing but to bat their eyelashes towards a disgusting prince. Y'know why can't they just skip those flirting and get to having sex already. I mentally face palmed myself as the tour went on, but something seems missing
And the royal garden, where you are free to practice grace and elegancy while enjoying free time!

Can I ask some questions professor Dovey? That seemed to excite her, thinking that I was finally interested about the School for Good, so she bubbly answered

Sure little one ask away~ wait wait, we stopped in our tracks and I put both of my hands on my waist, as I tried to appear tall, cause after all, we were almost the same height... Almost
I'm not little! I'm already an adult professor! I'm 23 that seemed to surprise her, and about my question, for a school who trains heroes and princesses, the lack of teaching music and dancing seems concerning, aren't this supposed to common for this kind of establishment?
She had a nervous look on her face as she looked towards the school for Evil. We had a Mentor for teaching music back then, but to be in that kind of position means you need to teach both school, that is our rules, unfortunately for the old poor teacher, she just couldn't handle those despicable Nevers and gave up, nearing insanity. She sighed, as that struck a great idea for me! I can check Aurellia's well being if I am allowed to go there, as a mentor! Gosh I'm brilliant.
Professor! I hel both of her hands tightly in front of me, I can do it! I can teach both schools the Art of Music! Maybe I'm not here as a student, maybe I was destined to bestow my knowledge to every student here! As I grabbed my flute and played a joyous song that can uplift emotions. As I finished Dovey looked at me with a delighted face.Oh dear me that was beautiful, if it only was up to me to make the decision, you passed already, but as I told you, both schools Y/N, so you have to demonstrate your abilities to the headmaster and to the Dean of School for Evil. As she spat those words with grimace and bitterness, I shivered as it occured to me, that performing in a crowd, was making me nervous.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now