Chapter 25: Escape

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I heaved out a heavy sigh as I stared at the scenery outside of my room's window... This is it, the day they will get their finger glow, and I'm... Caged inside this heavily guarded room of mine, with locks and Hench wolves as per orders of Nora.

With an annoyed grunt I paced back and forth instead, biting my nails out of frustration as I think of the ways I could do to get out

This can't possibly stop me... They will never get him! They are just delaying the inevitable! F*CK!
I unconsciously bit the meat part of my fingers, making it throb from the pain and letting the blood trickle down my fingertips. I sighed in surrender and wiped it off my dress...

I slumped to the seat beside me, and supported my head with my hands, contemplating if I should really let them handle the situation

Such a pathetic display from a powerful witch I gasped as I heard his voice, I explored my panic gaze around the room, until it landed on the mirror in front of me... Within the red smoke inside, instead of my reflection, he appeared slowly, looking at me with discontent.

Rafal. I mumbled enough for him to hear my tone, laced with utter bitterness. He merely smirked and scoffed.

Judging by the way my name rolls off your mouth with distaste proves that you know everything. He leaned forward, still inside the mirror

Tell me, are you now afraid of me? I cocked an eyebrow and scornfully laughed at his question

Me? Afraid? Rafal, I am dying to kill you! Upon my threat, his eyes glinted maliciously and grinned even wider.

I guess not, after all, you're trapped, you haven't even got your finger glow, you can't destroy me with mere tunes and music. I winced a little, admitting that he does have a point, my hands gripping tighter at both side of the desk as I struggled not to to punch the glass and his face.

You've ran out of moves. I was surprised by the sudden release of red magic from the mirror, I traced it's movement and it unlocked the door, the Hench wolves noticed the sudden creak of the door and they tried to attack the red smoke, but much to their dismay, it struck cleanly through their armor and hit their heart, ceasing them to take one more lungful of air, ceasing them to live.

My eyes widened in such evil act and grabbed my flute, with a harsh tune I fortunately made his magic disperse. I quickly knelt on front of the wolves and tried to close the hole in their heart.

I successfully did, but it took a little too much energy from me.

With disbelief, I went back to face Rafal. Why are you helping me escape?

Let's just say, I'm desperate to end this once and for all. You LL find me in the Blue forest y/n, get your finger glow. I snarled at his command, disliking the fact that he thinks he knows it all.

I was about to walk away when I heard him again

By the way, how's your sister y/n? Without hesitation I punched the mirror with rage, shattering it into million pieces as it dug and cut through my skin and flesh, blood spilled everywhere as I snarled at his question.

Don't you f*cking touch my sister I hissed dangerously, as his image started to disappear in the remaining shards. I heard him chuckle with amusement. Time's ticking y/n. And with that he finally disappeared and left me in a complete dread and panic.

I ran through the halls looking for the place where the ongoing ceremony took place, the grim realization that I got Aurellia in this f*cking mess kept repeating in my mind!

I accidentally bumped with someone and we both winced loudly, falling at the impact.

What the f*ck?! Watch where yo- sis? I immediately looked at the other figure, it's Aurellia, but it got me confused how the lower part of our bodies were identical

We're you also going to the ceremony? don't be mad, but I m running late.

W-what happened? I suddenly realized that it wasn't just the lower half, but the whole me, I looked exactly like her, a complete copy!

Oh! Turns out I can make replicas of me using others, physically only though, pretty f*cking awesome right?!


Then it hit me

It's perfect.

What? I grabbed her hands

How long till it last? She stared at me with a confused face, but answered anyways

A few minutes, why? I grabbed my flute and she got scared at my action

W-wait! Its an accident I can undo it if you want! I apologetically looked at her

Don't worry this won't hurt.


I lullabied her to sleep and gently dropped her sleeping body on the floor. I continued running and once I found the location, I opened the huge doors, leading me to the ceremony...

They all looked at me as I observed that only few more remaining students left to get their finger glow. I automatically went to the Evil's line to get mine, completely disregarding Hester and her friends.

We thought you'd back out considering you don't like pain. Hester snickered

Lady Lesso plunges it through your finger then twisting it to activate our glow! Hopefully you don't faint!
Dot taunted while I just smiled.

We told Hort to fetch you, but here you are, don't worry he'll come back. Anadil said while shrugging her shoulders

When the last student in front of me got hers, I cautiously stepped forward, not meeting the gaze of Nora, afraid that she might notice.

She hummed slightly upon recognition. Y/n's troublemaking sister. Its quite unusual for you to be quiet.

Hester came to my side with a mischievous grin She's afraid of pain Lady Lesso. Make it hurt more then the three of them laughed while Nora rose an eyebrow. No wonder y/n was raging when she found out I was supposed to punish you. I stood there silently while she harshly took my hand... Supposed to? Didn't she??

But I didn't, After all, it's all thanks to your mischief that I get to be with your sister. I motioned my finger forward giving access to the key to take it's plunge. But still, the excited beating of my heart can't go unnoticed when I found out she's glad to be with me, with her own words... The blush in my face crept slowly as I tried to hide a smile.

Consider that as a form of my... Gratitude.

The moment it went inside my finger, I didn't expect it to hurt so bad, I moaned at the delicious pain that I felt making Nora halt her movement in surprise and observe me

Until suddenly, the doors slammed open, and Hort entered the room with a drowsy Aurellia rubbing the sleepy ness out if her eyes.

When they noticed Aurellia, everyone started looking at me in an alarmed expression, and as if on cue, I returned back to my original form, which earned a gasp from them.


In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now