Chapter 15: Be Honest Now

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They dragged me across the halls, but soon our direction was getting more colder and dimmer. I didn't think twice and struggled myself to loosen their tight grip on both of my arms.

I didn't know where Lesso went, but she d walked in another direction as soon as I was hauled towards my demise. It gave me an idea to just control them with my voice, but it led me to think, that move will be absolutely stupid since I know that I cannot escape Lesso's wrath, also, my throat can't handle too much magic, one wolf shouldn't be a problem, but there's two, so that's definitely out of the question

Moments of walking, until finally, we stopped in front of this massive wooden door embossed with metal railing and and a huge lock on the middle... It gave me both fear... And excitement at the same time as thoughts relentlessly swirled in my head, giving me some ideas of what may happen.

The hunch wolves opened the door with full force, considering how heavy it is, and the moment it was completely unlatched, the stench of blood greeted and irritated my nose, and my eyes gazed upon the rows and rows of devices and weapons that, which I can only assume, torturing devices, from as little as a needle to as big as an ax, it was there, waiting and anticipating the arrival of their next victim.

When the hunch wolves started dragging me again, I was suddenly forced to sit down on a chair filled with restraints, my adrenaline spiked up the moment they cuffed my hands and legs without so much as a hesitation, as if they are used to the struggling body they are trying to bind

Oh come on! seriously?! I vigorously yanked the painful binds, but to no avail.

After they had secured that I was completely unable to escape, they all walked away and locked the door... They don't need to lock it, it's not like I can even push or pull that big chunk of wood.

Looking throughout the area, I presumed that there is no one around, so I struggled to get out, yanking the chains as hard as I can, filling the room with echoes of wasted energy.

I was already getting tired, I whimpered silently as I felt my body ache at the position I'm in... Until my attention was caught upon the recognition of the slow click of heels going towards me. I stiffened at my seat waiting for the intimidating redhead to appear beyond the shadows of the room... And there she was, not much changed except she had discarded her grey coat, and her sleeves are rolled halfway, exposing her toned arms.

She chuckled at my pathetic state, stepping closer, decreasing the distance between us.
Not so sneaky now are you pet?

S-sneaky?? I laughed rather nervously why would you ever think that?

She stopped in her tracks, and cocked an eyebrow. May I just remind you that you jumped at every window every time I approach, you're also terrible at hiding darling. I gulped at her comment, d*mn, and I thought I was doing a great job.

Her steps resumed, approaching me, I gasped as I felt the harsh grip of her fingers and nails digging on my skin, forcefully lifting it up to meet her sadistic gaze

You thought you could escape me, am I right pet? I shook my head immediately, disagreeing at her question.

I-I would never Lady Lesso, I swear, P-please just let me g-- my words were cut off when a nerve wracking pain in my head invaded my senses, as fear was visible in my eyes.

I know this feeling, she's forcing her way in my thoughts! Just like what happened back then!

Please don--!

I screamed slightly at the torment, cutting my words short, but quickly regained my composure as the pain was fleeting. By the time it was completely gone, I was sweating so much, Lesso lets go of my chin and walked to the set of weapons and devices.

I quite like you that way, bound and begging, completely at my mercy.
Her hand lazily tracing on the set of weapons laid before her, but halted as soon as she touched the whip.

At this point, I tried to clear my mind, void of any loud thoughts, she may read my mind but only those that are insistent and urging to be noticed.

But let's be real? Who can silence their thoughts when you're all alone with a sadistic hot woman, and you're gay? And enjoys being whipped by said person?? You see that's the problem! Freaking hell just f*ck my brains out already!!

Oh my... Her laugh didn't go unnoticed, as it echoed in the room, I looked at her and noticed her amused expression, grinning playfully.

Did my thoughts leaked?! And it had to be the most embarrassing part, oh for god's sake!

She walked towards me, clutched in her hand, was the whip that made me tremble. Finally she was again in front of me, her smile never fading.

Do you like me pet? Does the idea of being ruined by me, excites you?

N-no! I quickly answered but betrayed by my own booming thought.


Unexpectedly, she lashed the whip, hitting my thighs, causing me to jolt and groan at the rousing pain.

Liar. She hit me on the same spot, causing the fabric to rip, exposing the now bleeding skin. Her actions never ceased as she continued inflicting pain on my body, until the 5th slash did she stop. I'm such a wh*re to be aroused by this, I can feel myself getting wetter in every whip. Though I admit, it f*cking hurts, but every time I see Lesso s delighted face, I can't help but to submit myself to her.

I think 20 is a fair number, am I right darling? My eyes widened at her cruelty. 20?!! What will be left of me after that?!

Or, I could offer you a deal. She drops the whip right next to her and inched closer to my trembling state, her finger gently brushing the stray hair from my face.

I demand honest answers, coming out of your pretty lips, I, don't want to hear it in your pathetic thoughts. If it pleases me, then I'll consider to halt your punishment.

I nodded desperately, hoping that the question was going to be easy. which she grinned, satisfied by desperateness.

Why, pray tell, were you avoiding me? I gulped, I already knew she was going to ask that, and I cannot lie this time, as much as I liked being toyed by her, 20 lashes are just too much for my body. I took a slow and deep shaky breath. Her intense gaze never leaving me.

I... I wanted to return the favor, after all, you took the trouble to ... you already know that, but I was too much of a coward to face you, I... Im not prepared to interact with you yet, whenever you are near my feelings, are just a huge mess! I wanted to do something nice for you, but the thought of disappointing you ... scares me... I took a deep breath, trying to rationalize my thoughts, and lowered my head, as tears started to build up. I just... cant get you out my head.

Great, I never would have thought I ll confess my feelings like this. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for her response, it felt like the room just got colder, as seconds passed, the room stayed eerily quiet, miserably waiting for something to happen... which she did.

Her hand brushed my hair on the side, as it travels to my nape, resting it there. Upon doing so, I looked back at her, and instead of the wicked grin she once has, was replaced by a curious, and almost a tender gaze.

I'll ask again... Do you like me? I was completely baffled by the tone of her voice, we stared at each other, never breaking it once as I replied with sincerity.

I do.

A/N: Smut warning next chapter.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now