Chapter 21: Desperate For Each Other

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Dovey said I'm fine Nora, I still have time to teach my students. We both stared at each other, waiting for the other to give in, while I yanked my cuffed hands on the bed. Clearly! This isn't necessary!

A while ago, I tried to stand up and told her I'll be taking over my class from the substitute teacher, she suddenly pushed my throat down on the bed and quickly put the restraints on me.

You just woke up and the first thing you thought about is your students. She sat across the end of the bed on a chair, as she held the key in front of her face, twirling around her fingers, teasing and mocking my incapability to snatch it.

I'm starting to think you're making me jealous on purpose darling. W-wait...

Hold the freak up...

Shes jealous? I observed her and noticed how her brows were furrowed and her eyes showed a hint of annoyance while she gaze on the key on her hand.

Jealous?? Wh-? Okay okay... What iifff... After my classes,  we spend the whole day together? Yeah? Sounds good right? Now release me!

Her eyes glinted with excitement as she heard my proposal, that is quite adorable, even though she tried to hide it, it was still noticable by the way her mouth twitched a smile.

She cleared her throat and stood up, trying to regain her stoic composure and quickly walked towards me

Fine. She unlocked the cuffs and that's where I noticed the red glow on my finger was still there, throbbing and pulsating in every heartbeat I make... Waiting to be fed again

I immediately clutched my hand, hiding my fingers and smiled at Nora, mumbling a little thank you.

Remember to eat first before you teach, if your students started getting a little too unruly or out of control just tell me. She said while walking me towards the door.

I ll discipline them myself. And with that, she opened it for me.

How exactly did I made her so caring and sweet? Event though she cuffed me on the bed and refused to release me, but still?

This new personality of hers is making me want to tease her a little. Let's try, just a little bit, teensy weensy bit of teasing.

I grabbed her waist, which took her by surprise and went on my tiptoes to get closer to her ear
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I can handle them quiet nicely... mommy~ I bit her earlobe making her moan quietly as I giggled, backing away from her and waking towards the opened door...

But suddenly, it was slammed shut, and the impact made me shriek. I looked at Nora asking why she closed it.

Did you really think you can get away after teasing me?

I stuttered, telling her it just a joke and such, which proved to be ineffective as she pulled me towards the bed

I struggled quiet a bit, but to no avail as she threw me on the soft cushion while she unbuttoned her grey coat

N-nora I have cl-

I really was supposed to go easy on you and let you rest my dear. She eyed me with such lust and trust me I got scared for a bit, I backed ayaw little by little telling her that we can continue this later considering we have the night to ourselves, but it felt like I was pleading to a wall.... A hot.. sadistic... Wall

They can wait for a few more minutes. She successfully got rid of her coat and knelt on top of the bed, towering over me. She crawled towards me  in a seducing manner, her hand tracing all over my chest, up to my neck, and finally on my trembling lips.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now