Chapter 16: I'm Still Sore!

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A/N: do we need warnings anymore? No! Onward to the smut!! Lesso will be a little soft here, not the typical sadistic and evil personality that toy us.

I do

The moment the words slipped out of my mouth, it felt like I had made a contract with a demon, bounding me forever with it for all eternity... and did I regret that? No, not even second

Her hands resting on my nape pulled me towards her, embracing us with a kiss that at first was just purely gentle and soft, her scent that I can only recognize as the sweet smell of red wine, overwhelmed my senses, the once cold and shuddered room, was now being overcome by warmth that I can only explain as the result of our heated make out session, both of us just relishing the sweet taste of each other, until it started to become more rough and demanding, her kiss began to be more dominant, biting and slightly pulling my lower lip, which she then crashed again against mine, slipping her sinful tongue inside my mouth, asserting control and power over me filling the room with erotic moans and whimpers. The moment was too heavenly to end, but much to our displeasure, I was running out of air, as I pulled back, gasping to fill the lack of oxygen in my lungs.

She lovingly kissed every part of my face in between hot and heavy breaths, it was simply blissful, if only my arms were free, I would've extremely love to tangle and play my hands on her red curly hair, as she continues to plant kisses on my skin. I whimpered as I felt her lips travel down my neck, sending lustful shivers to my spine, enough for my head and senses go numb, concentrating only to the sweet sensation, enough for my knees to go weak and trembling, surrendering only to her touch. I tilted my head to the side, giving her full access, which she greedily accepted, until she hit a certain nerve that made me moan.

Though I could not see her, but I did felt her smirk, delighted that she had found my sweet spot, as she kissed and sucked that certain area, which I know will bruise, making me clench my thighs together, desperate to find friction to somehow elevate the burning feeling in my core. F*ck! this woman drives me crazy!

She released my neck and chuckled. Do I now? how flattering my dear. Great, she heard that, but to be honest, I wasn't embarrassed, instead, it gave me a sense of confidence, learning that she is pleased.

everything about her is just so intoxicating, making me abandon any rationality of mine, if it means getting devoured by this goddess in front of me. Only for you do I surrender myself. with breathy tone I said, she stared at me, eyes dilated and a hint of bestial hunger couldn't go unnoticed, at this point, she wasn't surprised how much her actions affected me.

she growled at my devotion, and her fingertip glowed, shattering my heavy restraints, earning surprised gasp from me. She then yanked me up from my sit, and twirled me around, switching our places, as she now sat on the chair. She pulled me by the waist, making my body collapse on her lap, our faces inches apart. Show me how desperate you are to please me, my sweet little plaything. She purred at me, making me shiver.

with a slight nod, I started attacking her neck, this time, it was me leaving hickeys on her smooth and supple skin, embracing her scent that further invites me to lose control. Her soft moans and growls were music to my ears as my hands unbuttons her shirt clumsily, she merely laughed at my feeble attempt to undress her. She stopped my hands and smirked, How adorable, let mommy show you how to do it. she winked at me, knowing fully how flustered I became upon hearing the word.

she slowly slid her cloth away from her, used her magic to make her pants disappear into thin air, leaving her only in black lingerie, not only was her clothes gone, but also was mine.

I started to kiss in between her chest, my hands tracing her breast lazily, at the same time I undone the hook, and as soon as I did I slid it off her and started smothering her bust, playing with her nipple at the same time, while my mouth sucked the other, earning me a few silent moans from Lesso. A few more of my tongue, playing around her nub, sucking and nipping, I released it revealing a string of saliva, as I looked at her once again. Her head is tilted up, facing the ceiling, eyes closed savoring how my tongue had skillfully sent waves of pleasure to one of her intimate bits, hands found its way on my head, slightly massaging and motioning me lower on her yearning body. Which I obeyed, breathlessly kissing her stomach as I lowered down aiming for her thighs, and at this point her legs slowly spread wide, awaiting for my presence below her.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now