Chapter 14: Avoid the Redhead

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A/N: I'll try to shorten the narratives, I read my story awhile ago, and I can't help but think that it gets too long and boring, but please do share what you think about it, appreciate it a lottt


Beautiful girls! Beautiful! I shouted at the Evers, I was teaching them some waltz steps, although hard to admit, but they learn quickly.

Makes me proud of them and myself.

The boys are supposed to be here, but unfortunately they have training, I'm thrilled to show them what real dancing was, not like what they showed us back in the orientation... I shivered at the thought. God that was hideous.

Oh Ms. Y/N, I feel light as a feather, I never knew dancing could be so carefree. One of them said to me, they said that the previous teacher made the steps too complicated for them to even comprehend.

Don't worry, I promise this will get more interesting! Now go practice young ladies if you want, see you all tomorrow, remember your assignment. They all curtsied as a way of saying goodbye.


Now I got some spare time, why don't I try to think what to give the intimidating redhead... Oh come one who am I kidding, might as well present myself to her as the payment, after all, I should be punished for assaulting her and the werewolves, I helped the Nevers to defeat Tedros, and she hasn't snitched me to Dovey yet... oh my God if Dovey ever found out she ll be so mad and disappointed

Without caring about anything but my thoughts, I kept walking around the school with my head on the clouds, oblivious to the fact the a black crow was trailing behind me.

But when I did, I just shrugged
I promised myself I'd àtleast enjoy my day... So please God, I beg you to let me. I prayed silently. I had only been here for two days and I already lost consciousness twice in a row...

My thoughts led me to my mother, why did she said I'm not supposed to be here?

She owes me a goddamn explanation, after all, why the cliffhanger?!

I looked at the sky and saw it was nearing Dusk, I panicked a little, sh*t I haven't mentally prepared myself! What am I gonna do? Be like, Hey Lady Lesso, You can do anything you want with me since I am so gratefulll about what you did...??? Do I seduce her?? Last time I did the seducing in Ellenor, the ladies were dry as a nun in church!... Definitely not gonna do that... Freak! This is so hard! I don't even know how the hell am I gonna act Infront of her, especially ... The restroom incident... I covered my face with my hands, struggling not to shriek... And did I just called her mommy? Upon the realization I slapped myself both on my flustered cheeks, squealing shamefully.


So did you think that I did something? No... I avoided her like the pathetic coward I am... And went straight to my room. Of course there were some close calls, like how the key was being a prick, refused to unlock the door, as I can hear her heels slowly approaching, patrolling the halls.

At morning I knew she was gonna barge in my room like last time... Talk about privacy! So before her routine of breaking my door at 8am, I wake up and get ready at exactly 6, then just hide in the corner of the halls, sneakily checking the presence of the redhead.

I knew it wasn't going to be easy, she knew every nook and cranny of this school, so I only went inside the rooms that has a window, that's why everytime she almost cornered me I escaped through the windows as if a criminal fleeing from the sirens. Not only was I keeping an eye on Lesso, but also her hunch wolves, which she ordered to catch me, ugh they were a lot harder since they scatter and trace my scent. There was one who almost caught me, but I hypnotized him with my voice, making tell to the others that I wasn't there.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now