Chapter 20: Why He Needs You

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When I woke up, I recognized the same old creek my mother used to appear in my dream. But this time, there were no warm breeze stroking my skin, the sun was blocked by grey clouds, it became much more depressing and cold

I looked around the area, searching for my mother. Ma? I stood up and glaced around, if she isn't here... Then why am I?

A muffled sniffle had caught my attention and there she was, my mother looking frail and weak, sitting down on the same log we used to seat together. With no hesitation I ran to her

Ma! What happened to you?! She looked at me wide eyed as if she can't believe that I am here

My child! You're still alive? With shaky hands she hugged me tightly.

I thought he got you for good! I hugged back, resting my face on her shoulders.

Who's he? I asked, even now, remembering the Blue forest incident seemed impossible, I can't recall a single thing, except the part I was playing my flute, but it has a huge black gap before it.

Looks like he blocked your memory for a short while, must've been to protect his little secret from being exposed, here child she touched my forehead and suddenly her finger glowed yellow and a sudden warmth enveloped my whole being.

The surroundings, instead of the old creek, became the Blue forest, it was like flashing images, quick but precise, and there it was, my lost memory.


When it ended it turned back to the old creek, and my mother looked at me with saddened eyes.

Ma, I need explanations, you cant keep me in the dark forever I desperately pleaded, she fluttered her eyes closed, and heaved out a deep sigh

I should've told you earlier, then somehow, we could've avoided this... She told me to sit down in front of her, and so I did

I also, taught in the School for Good and Evil, many many years ago. Unlike you, I wasn't a Music teacher, but we both handled both schools.

The surrounding started flashing again, and this time, it was mother's memory.

Our kind of witches are always in between of the both sides, that is why whenever we do something wicked, the goodness in us wanted to repair it, and the wickedness holds us back from being foolish and selfless.

That is what we possess that others don't. The location changed into the Headmaster's tower... And my mother seemed to be arguing against someone..

The only problem was, if a side in us won over the other, it will become too powerful for us to control, it is unpredictable. The only way for us to get rid of ourselves in that state is ... To be killed... To perish.

It turns out, that she was arguing with Rafal in the displayed memory, her expressions was pure rage while her finger glowing, daring to attack the red man

And whoever killed us, will get the power to themselves.

I didn't know how he got the information, but he knew, and he wasted no time in trying to manipulate and control my emotions, he needed my power to ensure his revival.

That is why I left the place, and I landed on the creek of Ellanor, where I met your father, such a crybaby he was, so I comforted him all the time he would come back upset and soon enough, after all those years, we started developing feelings for each other... Then we f*ck-

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now