Chapter 24: Love Does Not Care

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Reminder to self... Don't wear heels if you're with Dovey, that Dean gave me a tour in her school and we walked non-freaking-stop! At first I was really against it, imagine, the whole place in one afternoon?! God just kill me and end this torture

Ironic coming from me

By the time we were done the sun was already setting oh dear me! How time flies by when you're having fun miss y/n! She giggle while I gasped for air, trembling knees and bruised feet. But I couldn't really disagree with her, she's just too nice.

Y-yeah, I mean, your castle-like school, with floors that reaches the sky, endless maze of halls and rooms, gardens that are just huge... I inhaled sharply... Very fun Professor Dovey.

I'm so glad you think so! Come dearie, let's have some tea in my place to relax you're body. More walking? I groaned silently, but just nodded my head.

How can I say this, Dovey is like the more adult version of Aurellia... And less swear words, she draws people with her bubbly and happy go lucky attitude that makes me calm and cozy... Like a best friend...

When we got into her room there is a mini table and with kettles and cups, her chamber is decorated with gold linings, a mini chandelier, peach walls and adorned with glitters and whatever shiny things plastered on it

What do you prefer to drink? Tea? Or something else?

Is there some, hot choco? She nodded while her finger glowed and suddenly my cup was filled with steamy hot chocolate, a little poof and 3 huge marshmallows floated on top.

You want to eat something? I stiffle  a giggle as I almost said someone, specifically by the name Leonora Lesso.

I'm not picky Prof. Dovey, I ll have what you ll be having.


We sat down and started stuffing our stomach with food, we talked about some little things like how was I, did the students gave me a hard time

So do tell me dearie, before you head back to Lesso, how's your... Relationship? I almost choked at the sudden question

Uhm... It's great actually, at first I though she s 24/7 cruel and wicked... Turns out she can also be caring and... Soft.. Dovey eyes filled with excitement as she gasped and giggled while I tell her about the thing Nora and I would do... Except of course "some" things that happened.

Our conversation was interrupted when a fairy knocked on our door, asking for Dovey s presence. It whispered on her ear and she nodded in agreement.

I ll be back miss y/n, don't worry this will be quick. Please feel free to use anything here. They went out and left me inside...

My eyes darted to a cabinet, curiosity got the best of me and opened it

Well well, what do we have here.
Rows of alcohol welcomed me and I wouldn't be rude to decline such offer

I gleefully poured some on the glass and drank it. I felt the burning feeling in my throat and laughed it's been a while since I had this. Last one I promise

Until the last shot became too many shots

When I felt myself a little tipsy, I accidentally dripped it on my dress, it was quite a lot so I looked for a rag or even some spare clothes.

Why does that woman collects tea cups? Not a single rag did I found, so I went  for the door and went inside, turns out it was her room, but by God was it relaxing here, it's has this snuggly atmosphere. There I found some spare clothes that doesn't look too frilly and fancy.

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now