Ch1. New student

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(Fyi I'm homeschooled and idk how the school system works so I'm just guessing 💀)

GingerBrave half dragged-half pulled his cousin along with him down the street. This was their usual morning routine because the bus parked at the other end of the sidewalk and both of them loved sleeping in. They've only missed the bus once, but they also missed half of Espressos class, which was not amusing to him in the slightest.

"I swear we have to start listening to that damn alarm.." GingerBright said catching her breath and sinking into her seat. GingerBrave caught sight of a pink hooded cookie and smiled.

"Oh hey Strawberry, over here!" He said calling his friend over. GingerBright immediately sat up as soon as she heard her name. GingerBrave gave her a smug look and elbowed her in the arm and received a smack in the back of the head. Both of them scooted over for Strawberry to be able to sit at the edge of the seat. It was a tight fit, but GingerBrave (being the enthusiastic shipper he was) wasn't just going to pass up this opportunity.

"Hey have you guys heard there's a new student coming to our class! I heard he transferred from the same school as Strawberry." GingerBright said trying to start small talk. Strawberry looked down.

"Yeah about that..... a lot of the kids at my old school w- were... really mean.." She said fiddling with her hoodie strings.

"Oh, is that why you transferred?" GingerBrave asked.

"Yeah... the only thing I regret leaving behind was my friend." She replied.

"Maybe that new kid is your friend!" GingerBright said trying to cheer her up, sensing that she was sad taking about it.

"I would be surprised. He liked the school because of the education system, because of that he got bullied lots.... He used to be really energetic about all of his hobbies but he became a little closed off after a while. He's the only reason I survived that school." She shuddered, seeming to remember all the bullying in the school. "Traumatizing." She finished.

"Oh.... Well you're here now! And with even more friends!" GingerBright said bringing her hooded friend into an embrace. Strawberry's face turned as red as a tomato and GingerBrave internally celebrated.

They arrived at school and headed down the crowded hallway to their assigned classroom. GingerBrave gave a few high-fives to some people on the way. Eventually, they arrived at their class, Lattes. They all took their seats, GingerBrave sitting in the front row and GingerBright and Strawberry sitting to the right of him. GingerBrave looked to his left at an unfamiliar cookie sitting there, shuffling through his backpack.

That must be the new kid. He thought. It had to be, he knew almost everyone in the school or at least recognized their face. He inspected him, blue eyes and shoulder-length white hair, he thought it was a pretty unique color, but it suited him. He looks really smart.. and kinda... cute? GingerBrave thought to himself. He looked over at Strawberry for confirmation. She stared at the kid confused, inspecting him and then nodded her head. Before he could ask her anything, Latte came in and started shushing the class and calling for attention.

"Alright class, as some of you may know there is a new student that transferred here. I want you all to be nice to him, okay?" The class nodded and the white haired cookie just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Would you mind coming up here and introducing yourself?" The cookie pushed out his chair and turned to face the class.

"Hello, my name is Wizard Cookie. My hobbies are reading, learning and magic and I'm a transfer from the Spice Academia. And... yeah that's about it. Can I sit down now?" He asked Latte.

"Yes, of course. Your taking work from two classes up right?" She asked. He nodded. "May I ask why your staying in my class?"

He rolled his eyes. "My mother says it's to make friends my age. If it's a burden I can just help you with the class." He replied.

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now