Ch.14 Family talk

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I don't know anymore tbh. Enjoy! :)


God I'm cold...." GingerBrave complained on the way home rubbing his arms.

"That's because your a simp." GingerBright smiled, happy she had a new way to bug him.

"HEY! I am not a simp-! You're a simp!" He huffed, unable to come up with an insult. "..and uh.... you suck!"

"I don't suck, I'm lesbian, remember?" She smirked.

He looked confused for a few seconds, then his face turned pink with a look of disgust. "EWW- BRIGHT! Bleghhhhh..." he gagged.

"And you have the nerve to call me dramatic." She muttered rolling her eyes. "C'mon, it was not as bad as the stuff most of the kids in our class say... and do."

"DO?" He gagged again. "Cant they wait until they're adults?" He asked. "Bright, change the subject." GingerBrave said disappointed in his cousin and his classmates.

"On a scale of one to ten, how gay are you for Wizard Cookie?"

"CHANGE IT AGAIN." He replied quickly while his cheeks turned red.

"I'll take that as a ten." She said smugly.

"You suck!" He paused and then blushed again. "WAIT WAIT WAIT NO-!" he waved his hands frantically in front of him. "I meant you're the worst! GAH- change the subject again!"

"Oh god, I think it's an eleven. Your breaking the simp scale with your homosexuality!" She said dramatically.

"SHUT UP." He huffed crossing his arms and blushing intensely.

Bright smiled, "See? Your warm now, your welcome!" Brave just turned his head away in response. She sighed, "so hard to be appreciated these days.... oh hey, we're home!"


"So..... that was nice that your... freind let you borrow his hood." Herb said trying to start small talk.

Wizard looked up at him, not liking the implications behind how he said friend. "Yeah, he's nice." He replied flatly, trying to end the conversation quickly. I'm I that easy to see through...? He thought.

"I hope I get to talk to him more, his sister too. They seem very fun." Herb paused. "It seems like you two have opposite personalities."

"Yeah, kind of I guess." Wizard replied checking for cars before crossing the street.

"You know the phrase 'opposites attract', right?"

"HERB!" He turned towards his brother in dismay with a look of betrayal on his face, "I don't like him that much!" Herb looked down at Wizard while raising an eyebrow. He continued, "Just because he's my type does NOT mean I have a crush on him."

"I never claimed that it was in a romantic way." Herb smirked and Wizard blushed out of embarrassment. "Now though, I think it may be."

Wizard turned his head away, "How would you know?"

"Last time you had a crush, you got all defensive whenever someone would bring up anything about how you liked them."

Wizard put his head in his hands. "Is it that obvious....?" He muttered.



"I highly doubt your acting like this around him though, right?"

"Well.... no, I'm pretty sure I haven't. I didn't make a very good first impression though, did I?" Wizard frowned.

"I wouldn't know, you didn't tell me." Herb said.

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