Ch7.5. Dating...?

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Take this gay bonus chapter 😎


As soon as Strawberry and GingerBright separated from the two boys, Bright spoke up. "So, where do you want to go?" She asked exited.

"U- uh I haven't figured it out yet.... what's your favorite place here?" Strawberry asked.

"Oh. That's a hard one... uhm... Maybe we can go there! I've only been there once but their milkshakes are really good!" Bright said pointing to an ice cream store a little ways infront of them.

Strawberry smiled. "Okay we'll go there!"

GingerBright beamed and held Strawberrys hand, they both started walking towards the store. With her free hand Strawberry pulled the strings of her hoodie and Bright stopped.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing! Everything is perfect... I just have to get used to doing this kind of stuff in public, I feel like everyone is watching us...." She said looking around.

"Does it matter if anyone is watching us? If you don't want to hold my hand in public you can just let go, I won't mind! You can just tell me when your ready." Bright said loosening her grip.

"No, no... I like it." Strawberry said giving her hand a quick reassuring squeeze.

Bright smiled again. "Okay, let's go then!"

After a few minutes, they were in the store sitting at a table and waiting for their milkshakes.

"Bright, if you don't mind me asking, how.... how long have you liked me for...?" Strawberry asked curiously.

"Oh... a year, maybe less. I was crushing on a girl before you but then she got a boyfriend so I stopped crushing on people for a while. Then I started feeling things toward you but pushed them away because you felt out of my league and I thought it was weird having a crush on your best friend. I eventually accepted the fact that I fell for you, hard. I mean who wouldn't?" She said.

"O-oh really? I liked you... pretty much since we met.."

"I should've asked you out earlier in that case." Bright giggled. "I also have a question, since your bi, did you ever have a crush on my brother? Well actually I don't know if Brave is my brother.... but that's not the point."

Strawberry stayed silent for a second. "I thought he was gay for a few months so I never really developed  feelings toward him, even when I found out he was pan I still didn't, because I really liked you..."

"Awwwwww!" Bright said. "I would ask you questions about yourself, but I feel like I know everything, do you have anything to ask me?" Both of them were so lost in the conversation that they barley noticed the waiter giving them their milkshakes.

"Oh yeah I have one... does this mean we're..." she could barley get the words out of her mouth because they sounded so unreal. "Uh.... dating now?" She asked with her face dusted with red.

Bright smiled. "Sure! Whatever you want, let's make it official though."

Strawberry cocked her head. "What does that mean?"

GingerBright giggled then came around the table and landed a small peck on her cheek. "That's what it means." Strawberrys face was now as red as a tomato. She was too stunned to speak.

"Oh- wow I- I uh t-thank you..? I- I don't know what to say.... Wow...." Strawberry tripped over her words as she struggled to find the right response. "I can't believe this is real..." She said touching her cheek where Bright kissed her.

"I can't either!" Bright exclaimed while sitting back down in her seat.

Strawberry smiled. "We should probably drink our milkshakes now."

"Yeah, yeah good idea." Bright said pulling her milkshake closer to her.

Both of them felt like the luckiest people in the world.



Also wth-

You guys got my book to #1 in #cookierunkingdom 😨

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You guys got my book to #1 in #cookierunkingdom 😨

TYYYYY 😭💞💞✨✨✨✨😭

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