More art

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Sorry the next chapter is taking so long, I estimate it to be about 4,000 words or about 2x more than I usually write when I'm done and I've re-written it so many times but it still sucks so..... yeah. :(

In the meantime take this thing I made a long time ago for this book but I forgot to post.

In the meantime take this thing I made a long time ago for this book but I forgot to post

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May be relevant eventually idk:
(stinky art warning ⚠️)

May be relevant eventually idk:(stinky art warning ⚠️)

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Some doodles:

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Some doodles:

Oh yeah she's relevant (old ref sheet):

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Oh yeah she's relevant (old ref sheet):

Oh yeah she's relevant (old ref sheet):

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Oki thats all bye love you guys! :)

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now