Ch4. Grades

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Wizard scanned the lunch room and caught sight of the table he was to sit at. When he got closer he heard what they were talking about.

"You forgot to carry the two, stupid!" GingerBright said putting down her capri sun and pointing to GingerBraves notebook.

"UGHHH, this is SOOOO BORINGGG." GingerBrave said slamming his head on the table. Bright crossed her arms.

Wizard sat at the table.

"Hi Wizard..." Strawberry said swallowing her jelly burger.

"Hi. What's up with them?" Wizard said motioning between Bright and Brave.

"Huh? What do you- OH. GingerBrave didn't do his homework for our last class today so he's finishing it now." Strawberry said.

"I'm so hungryyyyy!" GingerBrave whined.

"Eat a French fry or something and keep doing your work. I told you you should've done this last night instead of streaming." GingerBright said rolling her eyes.

"Well MAYBE I would do it if they didn't make it so BRAIN ROTTING!" GingerBrave said picking his head up and opening a bag of chips.


"What kind of homework are you doing?" Wizard asked curiously.

"Algebra." Brave groaned.

"Interesting. May I see?" Wizard said leaning over his shoulder a little. Brave nodded. "Hm, I can help you out with this if you want." Wizard said after inspecting the questions.

"Yes, please do. I'm so tired of him." Bright said.

"Whatever, he's like a million times smarter that you anyway." GingerBrave said sticking his tongue out at her.

Wizard felt his face heat up a little. Wow, getting compliments from people other than your parents feels so.... weird..... He thought to himself.

They ended up finishing the homework with five minutes left to spare.

"So, about hanging out.." Wizard started.

"We've already got it all planned out, just show up at our house with a spare set of clothes at anytime. If your uncomfortable with sleeping with one of us and you don't wanna sleep on the couch you can bring a sleeping bag." Brave explained.

"Oh. What's your address?" Wizard asked.

"Shit forgot about that-"

"Here." Bright said handing Wizard a piece of paper and interrupting Brave.

"HEY! That's my job!" GingerBrave said crossing his arms.

"What? Flirting with the new kid? You know I'm gay!" Bright replied. GingerBraves face reddened and turned his head to see if Wizard heard, but he seemed to have tuned out of the conversation for a little.

"Guys please don't fight..." Strawberry whispered.

"Sorry Strawberry......" GingerBright muttered.

"Well that's one way to shut her up." GingerBrave nudged.

"Just eat. We don't have that much time, you spent most of it on homework." Wizard said.

"Yeah your right-"

"That's one way to shut him up." Bright replied smugly.

"Oh I'll shut YOU up for good one day!" Brave said. Wizard just sighed and took a bite out of his sandwich.

After lunch they headed towards their class, which was Espressos.

"Hello class." He said placing his coffee on his desk. "As you know your getting your test results today. Most of you did good, but there are some of you I would like to have a word with." He said locking eyes with GingerBrave. He felt a shiver go down his spine.

Espresso took some papers out from inside his desk and started handing them out. Brave could feel his heart racing when he got his paper. An F.

He got an F.

As soon as he saw the letter written in big red ink across the front, he immediately crumbled it and shoved it into his pocket.

"Now lets not make the test results a big deal and go on with our usual routine, yes? Yes. Okay now everyone pull out your books." Espresso said not even waiting for a response.

A little while later the bell went off.

"Class dismissed." Espresso sighed.

GingerBrave quickly gathered all of his stuff and got up. Right before he could pass through the doorway a warm hand stopped him, although it felt it sent liquid ice throughout his whole body.

"Not you, GingerBrave." Espresso said. GingerBrave gulped.

Espresso sat him down. A few minutes went by with Espresso just staring at him judgmentally. GingerBrave was very uncomfortable with the situation he was in. Espresso finally sighed.

"What am I going to do with you...." He muttered.

"Let me go maybe?" Brave said hopefully.

"Very funny." Espresso said with a straight face. "You know why I want to talk to you. Your grades are HORRIBLE, you do your homework at the last second, show NO interest in it and your also showing absolutely NO improvement whatsoever." He said sternly.

Brave fidgeted with his fingers awkwardly. After a few moments of silence he continued,

"Last year you barley got a passing grade. If you don't start improving, you're flunking this class. Do you understand?" GingerBrave nodded, he just wanted to leave now.

"You don't seem convinced. Oh also if it's not soon we're taking you off the basketball team." Espresso said.

"WHAT?! How is coffee magic and sports even related? That makes no sense!" GingerBrave argued.

"Ah, there it is. We may also need to get you a tutor."


"Alright, you better start showing some improvement soon though. Your dismissed." Espresso said getting up and opening the door.
GingerBrave angrily pushed out his chair and stomped out the doorway.

"Stupid Espresso...." He muttered opening his locker. "What does he know? Stupid stupid stupid-"

"Hi Brave!" A voice chimed from behind him.

"Hey Snow." GingerBrave said grabbing the book he needed and shutting the locker.

"How have you been?" They asked.

GingerBrave sighed. "Well I WAS doing great, but Espresso had to come and ruin everything." He grumbled.

"Oh that's terrible! What happened?" Snow Sugar asked clutching their wand.

"Well as you know my grades..... aren't the best, and Espresso is SOoOOOoo set on fixing them. He said he was gonna remove me from the baseball team and get me a tutor if I didn't start improving." GingerBrave vented.

"Oh.... maybe he just wants to see you pass?" Snow questioned.

Brave rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure. He's just making my life as miserable as his." He said.

Snow Sugar winced. "Well, if that's what you think.... I wish you the best of luck!" They said walking away.

GingerBrave sighed. "Maybe I'm being over dramatic..." he muttered.

"Your always over dramatic." A voice said from next to him.

"ACK- BRIGHT! When did you get there?!" GingerBrave asked, startled.

"I've been here long enough to hear your conversation. The bells gonna go off soon, let's get to class." Just as she said that, the bell went off. Brave followed her down the hallway to their last class. Finally. This crap takes forever. He said to himself. At least stuff will get better from here, right?


I have no idea what I'm doing 💀

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