Ch.9 Chilling

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Uhhhh this chapter is kinda messy and has like no flow whatsoever, I'm trying to piece this story together as I go along alright?! So this chapter is kinda laid back and random shit happens that idk if it will contribute to the plot or not but whatever....

Thank you all for the reads, votes and comments! I love and appreciate everyone reading this book and I thank you all for the support <3

I really enjoy writing this so I'm glad you all enjoy reading it.



"I'm seriously so amazed at how you won so many of those games." Wizard complimented.

"Oh y'know just hand eye coordination and a little bit of luck!" GingerBrave said hugging the giant Pikachu plushie he got with his tickets. (I literally have a giant Pikachu plush I got at an arcade.)

"Luck?" Bright asked.

"Yeah, those things are literally rigged! If I did it on a different day some of the machines would be harder to win." He said.

"I think that only applies to claw machines." She responded.

"Nuh- uh. Some of the other games probably do too!"

She scoffed. "Yeah whatev, your probably just saying that for the games you were bad a- Strawberry you okay?" GingerBright asked as her girlfriend walked straight into a pole.

"Oof.... U-uh yeah I'm alright, I just wasn't watching where I was going..." She muttered rubbing her forehead.

"You sure your alright? I'm sure Brave has some bandaids on him... why are you giving me that look?" She asked as Brave shot her a glare. "That's not meant to insult on how many times you bang yourself up, I'm just saying if she needs it-"

"No, no, I'm alright, thanks Bright." Strawberry said moving her hand away from where she had previously held it.

She furrowed her brows. "Oh.... Okay."

All four of them stopped in-front of the house as Bright fiddled with the keys in an attempt to find the correct one, when she finally got it, she opened the door and the all went inside. Once they were in, everyone expect Wizard settled down.

"Guys, I'm going to call my mom. I'll be in the kitchen." He said.

Everyone just nodded and he went into the other room and dialed Moonlight. After three rings she picked up.

"Hi ma."

'Hi sweetheart, do you need anything?' Moonlights sweet voice rang through the speaker.

"Uhhhhh no, not really. I just called to ask what time I had to get back or when you were going to pick me up." He said.

'Oh... well it's about four, maybe I'll pick you up by five, that's when I'll start cooking. How have you been with your new friends?' She asked.

"Oh it's been great! They're really nice and I think I'm actually enjoying myself."

'That's great to hear! I'll see you in an hour, have fun with your friends. Call me if you need anything, alright?'

"Okay, bye!"

'Bye, I love you.'

"I love you too mom..." He said hanging up.

One hour. He said too himself. Maybe we can play a board game or something.....

Wizard shoved his phone into his pocket and headed back into the living room where all three of them were playing Rock Paper Scissors. He took a seat in the left corner of the couch next to GingerBrave.

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now