Ch7. The Mall

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Idk if I can call it a shopping spree, but they went shopping okay?!

WARNING! This chapter is EXTRA long and has a second part after it so beware!


"Maybe we can go to the park..?" Bright asked tilting her head for confirmation.

"Meh." GingerBrave replied.

"I heard that they opened an arcade at the mall last month... maybe we can go there?" Strawberry suggested.

"They have an arcade?!" GingerBrave asked shocked.

"Uh.... yeah?"

"Is it good?" He asked again.

"I've never been there that's why I suggested it..."

"Oh... well I'm alright with going there, sounds fun!"

"I second that!" Bright added on.

"Sounds good. Do you guys mind? Im going to go to the living room to call back my mom." Wizard said pulling the phone out of his pocket.

"Yeah sure you don't have to ask!" Brave smiled tilting his head at a slight angle. Wizard returned the smile and headed into the living room.

After a few moments of silence Bright spoke up. "You really need to stop flirting with Wizard, we met him two days ago."

"What? Flirting? I'm not flirting! I- I'm just being nice that's all, it's not flirting Bright!" He blurted out quickly trying to keep his face from turning red. Yes sure while passing the note with his number on it to Wizard WAS flirting, that was his only attempt.

"Ah yes, passing someone your number and winking is not considered flirting apparently.." She said giving him a smug face as he pinched the brig of his nose.

"I mean yeah maybe I was kind of when I did that... but I haven't done any other type of-!"

"Guys I got the directions to the mall, it's an hour walk from here but if we take the bus it will take maybe 5 minutes or more." Strawberry said in an attempt to get them to stop fighting and change the subject.

"ACK" The sound came from the living room with what sounded like a quick buzz, like lightning but smaller. "CRAP!.... Yeah mom I'm okay.... shoot.... no I'm fine.... okay bye love you!...... fuck..." Everyone turned their head to the commotion happening in the living room. A few moments later Wizard came in with an awkward smile plastered on his face.

"I might've accidentally uh.... damaged your floor...." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

".....what..? What happened?" Bright asked crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Well there was this bug on the floor and it suddenly jumped closer to me and I got startled and struck it with a small ball of electricity." He muttered. GingerBrave went into the living room out of curiosity.

"Why didn't you just stomp on it?" Bright asked.

"He has reflexes to hit someone or something with the lightning orb if they startle him badly. The ball isn't enough to hurt someone severely, but it's definitely enough to kill a bug, shock someone or in this case damage the flooring." Strawberry said.

"How badly did you damage the floor?" Bright asked.

"Not too badly, if you clean it there may still be a few scratches in the floorboard I'm guessing... I'll go clean it up though! If it's badly damaged I can pay for i-" Wizard was cut off by GingerBrave coming in.

"Done! I cleaned it, looks like it never happened!" He said tossing a few paper towels in the garbage and giving a proud goofy smile.

"Wow that was fast.... Here, to pay for the trouble I caused." Wizard said handing Brave a $20 bill.

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now