Ch6. Saturday

358 9 91

Woahhh blood warning (srry for not posting much I've been busy LOLLL)

GingerBrave walked through the woods as the autumn leafs crunched beneath his feet. He looked around subconsciously before he started singing a song from his childhood, who taught it to him? He wasn't completely sure.

"Down by the bay~"

"Down by the bay~"  The words echoed through the woods as if it were another voice.

"Where the watermelon rot~"

GingerBrave paused. That WAS another voice, similar to his, but it sounded a bit younger. He decided to keep singing along.

"Where the watermelon rot....?"

"If you go home..."

The voice started to flow away, He followed it singing along out of curiosity.

"If you go home..."

"Just don't get caught..."

"Just don't get caught."

The voice stopped. Something told him to look down.

There was a body with the head chopped off, the grass under it was soaked a ruby red and make a squishy sound under his feet as his boots got stained with blood. Something told him that this body was familiar, he stared at the bloody beheaded figure trying to pinpoint who it was.

"...... you don't remember me. Do you?"  The voice echoed through the air.

"No, who are you?" GingerBrave asked seemingly unfazed.

"You don't remember...."

All the blood that stained the grass retreated back into the neck and the body started crawling forward, still beheaded. A head appeared in GingerBraves hands.



GingerBrave shot up, beads of sweat staining his forehead. He immediately checked his hands of any sign of blood. Nothing. He sighed, It was just a dream....

"Are you alright?" GingerBrave turned his head left to see who asked the question. Wizard put down his book and gave his new friend a concerned look.

"Oh yeah I'm okay, it was just a dream. What are you doing awake? And where did you get that book?" GingerBrave asked wanting to get his mind off of the nightmare he just had.

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Also I summoned this book." He said holding up an old looking hard cover forest green book with a gold letter M inscribed on the front.

GingerBrave raised an eyebrow. "Can I see how you summoned it?" Normally he would just laugh it off as a joke but right now he was talking to a dude named Wizard Cookie.

"Oh yeah sure it's a relatively easy spell to use and I use it a lot! It's the ability to summon stuff out of thin air. To be honest the only thing I can summon by myself is my staff, but with my staff I can practically summon almost anything!.... that's small enough that is. Now you see if I just draw a circle in the air here....."

GingerBrave admired the Mage as he explained step by step what he did with enthusiasm, excitement and pride. The sudden burst of energy surprised him, but he didn't mind it. In fact he liked it. Wizards eyes practically sparkled as he showed the taller teen how to summon books and quilts.

"It's kind of hard to learn I'll give it that, but it's very practical!" Wizard said un-summoning his staff.

"Wow that's so cool! Can you teach me more of it sometime? Also do you have a cool magic outfit?" GingerBrave asked curiously.

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now