Ch.13 Acceptance

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Short chapter again... Only like 1.6k words, also kinda not a lot going on :(

(I added more wizardbrave into this one to make up for that)

"Sweetheart no, I'm sorry but your friends can't come over tonight."

"But ma..."

"No. They can't come over today, especially with that girl on the loose. Your brother is already coming to pick you up. If you want you and your friends can go hang out at nearest restaurant, don't eat too much though. We are going to eat later."

Wizard sighed. "Alright we will, bye, I love you."

"Love you too."

He hung up.

"I'm guessing that she said no?" GingerBrave asked frowning.

"Yeah she did, it's probably for the better though. She said we can all eat somewhere until my brother comes and gets me so...."

"Great! Im hungry." Bright replied.

"We should go now then." Strawberry said.

"Yes, let's go now." Wizard agreed.


All four of the gay tee- *cough cough*..... I mean teens sat down at the table. Strawberry pulled a wipe out of her bag and wiped the table before placing her burger down.

"Wizard are you sure you don't want to eat anything?" Brave asked concerningly as the other boys eyes darted to every nook and cranny of the McDonald's.

Wizard looked back up at him. "Hm? Oh, no, I'm not that hungry. Besides I don't eat fast food that much and my mom told me not to eat a lot."

"You're missing out." GingerBright replied.

Wizard sighed. "I know. I'm a little paranoid right now so I'm missing out on a lot." He said.

It was true, normally fast food restaurants would be full, especially after a school day, but there was only about one other group of kids there. He guessed the most help they would be in a fight was getting half of it on camera, the other half would be really shitty recording skills of the walls, celling, and floor.

The door opened and Wizard flinched and whipped around just to see a regular student with frosty light blue hair from their school enter. Wizard let out a relived exhale.

"...maybe you should just go home now." Strawberry said taking note of how on edge he was.

"No, it's okay I'll be fine." Wizard said shrugging. "Besides we just sat down, I'll stay here until you guys finish or until Herb comes."

"Hell yeah let's all eat our burgers in one bite!" Bright pumped her fists in the air trying to be supportive.

"Don't do that, you will choke. I don't think anyone is in the mood to preform CPR right now." Wizard said trying to muster a laugh. He sunk down in his seat and shivered a bit. Why is it suddenly so cold? He thought as he turned around in his seat. He thought student from the school had taken a seat behind them, but something else was sitting behind him.
"AH! What is that?!" He said looking up at the big snowy monster right behind him.

"Oh, that's Snow King. He's Snow Sugars pet." Strawberry said. "Snow says it's their friend though, so it's more of a friend than a pet since they can communicate well with each other."

"I-I think that he made the temperature drop by twenty degrees...." Wizard replied shivering.

GingerBrave turned his head towards him and raised an eyebrow. "Are you cold?"

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