Ch.16.5 Deals

171 3 16

Hahahahaha benji_ben I stole ur oc!!!! 😈/j

Enjoy this bonus chapter! :3

"Yoo.... Paint! My man, how's your new job?" Jawbreaker teased, practically hearing his eye twitch through the phone. She knew this was going to annoy Black Paint Cookie, but frankly she couldn't help it. It was too fun, and she knew he wouldn't hang up for a simple joke.

"Jawbreaker, you know it's for a mission." He sighed, resisting the urge to hang up on her. Black Paint spun an arcade token on the table and watched unamused as it fell off the table. He really wanted to just hang up, but he didn't. If Jawbreaker was calling that meant she had a mission for him. A simple request he could do with ease, usually information. She payed good money, too. "Just tell me what you want and how much you're going to pay me," She said flatly.

"Ah, you know me all too well..." She chuckled while leaning back in her chair, he never failed to amuse her with his carelessness. "Just some info. An address, if you will. But I won't mind if you get me some more info on another kid as well."

"Mhmm... how much?" He repeats the question that she didn't answer more bluntly.

"Two hundred bucks?"

"Five hundred."

"Mhh... three hundred Benjaminssss~?"

"Four hundred fifty."

"Four hundred buckaroos. My final offer. Take it or leave it," Jawbreaker says, firmly set on that price.

"You got yourself a deal." Black Paint smirks, knowing he got the good end of the bargain, not that Jawbreaker cared much, anyways. It's not like she obtained it legally, but he couldn't care less. "Who is it? Give me their information and I'll get you your information in a snap."

"Kay. Dude I need you to get is Wizard Cookie. He's really fuckin' short and has like white hair I think, blue eyes... well actually blue eye because one of them are busted." She snickers.

"Hmmm, I wonder who who did that..." Black Paint muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

This got a wheeze out of Jawbreaker. "HAH. I'll never get tired of your sarcasm, Paint." She chuckled and leaned back in her chair further before she yelped and fell over backwards. "GAH! Stupid fucking chair!" She yelled, tone quickly switching from amusement to anger. She started kicking the poor innocent chair and cursing at it. When it broke, she still hadn't calmed, now stomping on it. The sound of metal, polyester, and fabricated foam getting kicked and stomped on while Jawbreaker cursed it out was clearly audible on the other end of the phone.

Black Paint didn't show any hints of concern as he listened to the racket on the other end with a blank face. He waited another minute before loosing his patience, not wanting to listen to this shit while he waited for her to calm down. "I don't know if you're still listening, but I'll get you your information on Monday."

"GET THAT SWIRL HAIR KIDS INFO AS WELL!" She yelled, still incredibly pissed off at the chair.

"If I stumble upon them, then okay." He rolled his eyes and hung up before she could protest, tired of her stupid temper tantrum.

Besides, he had a mission to complete.


Uhm anyways I colored Jawbreaker :

Oh and also this is Black Paint Cookie :3

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Oh and also this is Black Paint Cookie :3

Oh and also this is Black Paint Cookie :3

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(Drawings i also stole from Ash <3)

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(Drawings i also stole from Ash <3)

hope you enjoyed im gonna sleep now 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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