Ch5. Sleepover

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AHAIAJJWWJWJWJWJBASSJWAS I am gradually going insane 😃👍

As soon as they got home GingerBrave immediately sunk down into the couch.

"HEY, get up! You didn't make your bed this morning and Strawberry and Wizard are coming over." GingerBright said poking him.

"I don't wanna get up." His muffled voice whined.

"Fine! But you're staying in the basement while I hang out with everyone." She said turning her back on him and crossing her arms.

"Okay fine I'll make my bed." He said groaning and getting up. There was no use in arguing with her today.

"Great! I'll stay down here." She said heading towards the kitchen.

About two hours later there was a knock at the door, GingerBright answered it.

"Oh hey Strawberry! Your here a little early." She said opening the door wide and motioning for her to come in.

"Well, I don't really have anything better to do and I really like hanging out with you...... guys." She said.

"Hm, okay! Let's go upstairs." Bright said. The pink hooded cookie followed her friend up the stairs and to a room that had a bunch of signs on the door and also a bunch of flowers messily painted onto it. Bright opened the door to find Brave on his bed sketching.

"Oh hey Strawberry!" He said looking up from his sketchbook.

Their room was pretty big, on the left side there was a big bed with dark blue bedsheets and a few extra fluffy white pillows next to a small desk with a lamp. There was also a computer setup at a big desk on the opposing side of the bed. On the wall above the bed hung a cork board with a few random pictures and drawings. The rest of the side was a little messy with random stuff carelessly tossed under the bed and extra sweaters being tossed on the chair at the desk.

The other side of the room has a bed about the same size with pastel pink bedsheets and lots of squishmallows, extra blankets and fluffy pillows all following a pastel color scheme. On the wall above the bed there was a painting of a wonderland hung next to a lesbian pride flag. GingerBrights side of the room was relatively clean, other than her desk which had homework spread all over it along with a mug filled with water. In the middle of the room, there was a big white fluffy carpet on the floor with a medium-sized black table in the middle with stools under it.

"Your room changed a little since the last time I came over... it's nice." Strawberry said looking around.

"Yeah we rearranged a little. I'm getting a dart board so I can throw darts at the people I don't like and not get in trouble." GingerBrave said.

"You waste your money on dumb stuff." GingerBright said.

"Says the one with a gazillion squishmallows."He replied closing his sketchbook and putting it in the small bedside desk.

Bright faked a dramatic gasp. "How dare you talk to Sir. Baconator the III like that!" She said covering one of her pig stuffed animals ears. Strawberry giggled and put her bag down on the floor.

"What do you guys wanna do while we wait for Wizard to show up?" she asked. They both shrugged.

"How about a game of uno?" Brave suggested shuffling in his closet and pulling out the card game.

"Last time we all played uno you guys tried to kill each other and scared off Pumpkin Pie and Pompon..... but okay..." Strawberry muttered.

About forty minutes went by of the dreaded card game when they heard a knock at the door.

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