Ch.15 Dinner

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"Guys I'm posting chapter today!1!1! :3"

*Proceeds not to post it for another week

Okay but fr I'm sorry, my motivation wasn't motivating and I didnt really know what to do with this chapter, it's been almost done for a while and I feel bad for not posting it. You can tell it's worse near the end bc I rushed it for no reason 😔

Sorry for taking an extra week for your food. Bon apatite and enjoy! :)

(Extra art at the end :3)

"Mom really, I've got the street name memorized." Wizard groaned, he had been sitting there for an hour already, his mothers trying to make him take extra precautions for his safety. And he was getting sick of it.

"Do you have the address memorized?" Sea Fairy questioned, tilting her head.

"Uh, well... no.... But I'll know the police station when I see it!" He said, hoping this wouldn't be a necessity.

"Of course you will, but this is very important for you to know. You should take a walk there to get it memorized, since if you're getting chased, you can't run back home, becuseeee...?"

Wizard sighed. "Because then she'll know my address... Mom, I'm obviously not going to run back home if I'm getting chased."

Sea fairy shook her head. "People do things they wouldn't normally do when under pressure, dear. Remember what to do when under pressure...?" She asked.

Wizard groaned again. "Yes. Breathe deep and keep calm. Can I go now? I don't like thinking about this..." he muttered.

Sea fairy shook her head. "No, wait until your mother comes back, she's still on the phone with Milk." Just as she said that Moonlight walked in and sat on a chair, placing a mug and her phone on the table with a soft smile.

"Milk, Yam, and Strawberry invited us to dinner, what do you say?"

Sea Fairy's eyes widened a bit in surprise as she nodded, "That would be lovely, I haven't talked with them in a while. I'll ask Herb if he would like to come."

Wizard nodded trying to hide a smile, "Yes, dinner is nice. Strawberry and I could catch up on some more things."

Moonlight smiled brighter, "Oh, yes! About that, GingerBrave and GingerBright are also coming over for dinner, so all three of you can hang out! If Herb would like to hang out with teens for once, then maybe he'll join you as well."

Wizard couldn't hold back his smile now, "Really? How long are we staying?"

Moonlight smiled at his enthusiasm, "As long as you want, starshine! We will have to go back home eventually, but we can stay a few hours."

Wizard couldn't help but grin a bit. "Alright! I'll go fix myself up a bit. I have an idea on what to wear..."


"Why do you have to be so fancy for a family dinner?" GingerBrave asked sighing while fixing his hair and placing a skull clip in it.

"It's called having style." GingerBright said, desperately wanting to roll her eyes but stayed focused on applying her eyeliner and blush. "And it's only a little bit. Want some?"

"Yeah, sure." He replied as he turned to her.

"I was being sarcastic." Bright said actually rolling her eyes this time. "Buuuuut if we have enough time, I could add some. I could use some more practice anyways..." she muttered.

He smiled a bit, "Actually?"

"Sure, do you want a more feminine or masculine look?"

"Uh... I don't care." He looked down as if he forgot what he was wearing. "I look goth."

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