Ch.12 Situation

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Wake up babe, new book cover just dropped.

Help this chapter is over 4k words and I don't know what I'm doing-

I was going to do something with the Dozer plotline but idk anymore, if you guys want I could TRY to squeeze it in?

Okay enjoy!


"So~ how was the date?" GingerBright cooed annoyingly.

"Grea- HEY! It wasn't a date, even you said he was tutoring me!" GingerBrave said placing his backpack on the ground with a thunk.

"Eh, whatever. It was close enough. Make any more moves yet loverboy?" She asked grinning.

"Yeah, some moves on improving my grades." He huffed laying down on his bed. "He was really helpful, all the scariness from the first time we met is POOF! Completely gone! Not a speck of it left at all!" GingerBrave smiled and sat up prepping his back against the wall.
"I think he almost called me cute on accident and cut himself off mid-sentence. He tried to play it off cool, but I'm not that dumb, or maybe I am and just misheard what he said. Either way it was adorable." He gushed.

"Awwwwww you guys would make a cute couple!... ask him out on Valentine's Day. That is not a suggestion, that is an order."

"BRIGHT NO! We just met! And besides he's coming from a traumatic background, I don't want to overwhelm him. I'll ask in a few months if my stupid little crush on him doesn't go away." He said awkwardly swatting his hand in the air as if doing that would make his crush go away.

She groaned, "Fineeee maybe you have a point.... Who you askin' out though?"

"No one. Just gonna third wheel you and Strawb."

Bright groaned. "And you wonder why I'm so pushy about your love life...."


Time skip to Monday, basically what happened on Wizards end was gardening with Herb and becoming a volunteer at the library, idk might write a bonus chapt on that if yall want. (Yes, I'm lazy, shut up.)


Wizard rummaged through the locker a little trying to organize it and grabbed the book for the next period.

"Wizard! Wizardddd!" He turned around to the childish voice calling his name, GingerBrave.

"Yeah? What do you need Brave?" He asked trying to tone down the smile creeping up onto his face.

"I did the things that you told me to do to try and help concentrate and the teacher didn't look disappointed in me for once!" He replied hopping.

"Yippee, you're not a disappointment." GingerBright said sarcastically while doing jazz hands. Brave stopped hopping to cross his arms and roll his eyes.

Just then the bell went off.

"Ah shoot, there's the bell. I think Strawberry has a different class during this period, correct?"  Wizard asked.

"Yeah I do, I'll see you guys after." She replied.

"M'kay, see you later!" GingerBright said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Strawberry's face turned as pink as... well...
a strawberry. "I- uh... oh.... I- Iloveyoubye!" She said returning the kiss and quickly running toward her class as she pulled her hoodie over her head. Brights face was as lit up like a little kids face on Christmas morning.

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