Ch3. Home

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Tw: mentions of self harm I think- also like one curse word.

Wizard fidgeted with the chain of keys in his hand. Usually he got the right one on the first try, but he was too distracted with his thoughts this time. When he finally got the right key, he unlocked the door and went inside to find his two mothers cuddled on the couch watching a movie.

"Hi sweetie! How was your first day? Are you still angry that I transferred you?" Moonlight asked.

Wizard rolled his eyes and sat down on the opposing end of the couch. "No mom, I had a good time at school.." he paused. "I made some friends too and I saw Strawberry again."

Moonlight gushed. "Oh that's great! Who are they? How did you meet them?"

"Well there's Strawberry, GingerBright and GingerBrave. And I met them by.... and uhm.. I met them by pushing GingerBrave against a locker and threatening him." Wizard awkwardly murmured.

Sea fairy turned down the volume on the movie they were watching while Moonlights smile faded a little.


"Did I hear that correctly?"  Sea fairy said cutting Moonlight off. He slowly nodded.

"I apologized though and they were all really nice to me. This school was so much nicer than the other one..." He said.

"That's why we transferred you there. See your already looking happier!" Moonlight said.

Wizard giggled. "Okay, okay your right ma, stop rubbing it in my face! I have to go do my homework now, I love you." He said giving each of his mothers a kiss on the cheek. He went upstairs to his room and closed the door.

When they heard the door shut, Sea fairy turned the volume up on the tv. "I'm so glad you pulled him out of that school, it damaged him a lot." Sea fairy said to Moonlight.

"Me too, but he seems to be in a good mood. We still have to keep a close eye on him though, he could very well be lying like his last school. We don't want another incident." Moonlight said.

Sea fairy shuddered. "Please don't mention that darling..." she said remembering the scars and the attempt.

"Sorry dear... I can't get that memory out of my head, he probably won't do it again though right? He's been to multiple therapists for almost two years so I think he will be fine..." Moonlight said trying to muster a smile. She was actually mostly trying to convince herself, she would never forget that. Sea fairy saw that and pulled her closer.

"He'll be okay, he's with better people now, and if he starts going down that route again we will see the signs and get through it again. Okay?" Sea fairy said. Moonlight nodded and held her tighter.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Wizard pulled out the binder in his backpack and flipped through the pages, when he finally got to the page he had to do, he pulled out his pen. A few minutes went by and he was still clicking the back of his pen in thought. Why am I having so much trouble with this? I'm usually on the second page by now! Maybe they gave me extremely hard homework?... He squinted at the page and looked closer. No, this looks my level. Why am I so distracted? He asked himself.

His eyes panned over to a piece of paper at his organized desk. It was the note with the phone number on it. Maybe I should.... No, that would be even more distracting. But I'm already distracted so what's the point? He convinced himself. He snatched the piece of paper at his desk and his phone and dialed the number. GingerBrave picked up almost immediately.

"Hello, is this-"

"Yup! Hi Wizard Cookie!" GingerBraves voice startled him. He wasn't used to that type of energy yet.

"Jeez you didn't even let me finish my sentence." Wizard said.

"Oop sorry-"

"He has a habit of doing that, especially to me." Another voice came from the other end of the phone. GingerBright.

"Shut up he doesn't want to talk to you. I'm turning off the speaker." GingerBrave said.

"Oh no what ever will I do? I can't interrupt your conversation anymore, my life is over! Goodbye!" Wizard heard a thump on the other end of the phone and GingerBrave bursting into a fit of giggles.

"HAHA- sorry Wizard your probably so confused right now, I'm gonna- pfft- imma face time you." GingerBrave said.

When Wizard picked up he was greeted by the camera pointing to a cookie lying face first on the ground.

"Last time she did this she stayed there for like twenty minutes-" GingerBrave said.

"That's because I actually fainted!" She said pushing herself up and pulling a random slice of American cheese out of her pocket and throwing it in the general direction of GingerBraves face. He turned the camera around to reveal that she did indeed hit his face.

"I- pffffffttttt- does she just keep slices of cheese her pocket?" Wizard said trying to hold back his laughter.

"Yes I do." She said. As she did another slice of cheese smacked GingerBrave in the face again.

Wizard couldn't hold it in anymore and wheezed. "That's the most random thing I've seen and also probably also the dumbest-" He said trying to stop giggling.

"You should hang out with us soon! I'll ask Strawberry if she wants to go too~" He said mocking GingerBright.

"Shut up, I have more cheese." She said.

"Okay jeez, touchy... so what do you say? You wanna hang out this Saturday?" He asked Wizard.

"U- uh okay, I'm guessing we'll figure this out tomorrow at lunch?" Wizard asked.

"Mhm sounds good! Bye!" GingerBrave said waving.

"Bye." Wizard said.

"Fucking ga-" The phone call cut off GingerBright.

Wizard smiled and put his phone down near the edge of the desk. He picked up the slip of paper that had GingerBraves phone number on it. He was about to throw it out but he hesitated. I already called him therefore I have his number on my phone now. Why am I so hesitant to throw this out? Wizard asked himself. He remembered the way he winked at him while handing over the piece of paper and pulled back from the garbage can. I'll keep it... just in case I- forget.. yeah that's why. He told himself putting the slip of paper into his top drawer.


Yes.... The gay...... ITS STARTING!

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now