Ch.10 Setup

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Y'know I'm done putting warnings, if talking about bullying, depression or suicide triggers you, please click off for your own safety. Thank you!

I try to hit some emotional beats here but it just doesn't work out that well (in my opinion) Enjoy this horrible chapter! :,D


"I'll get it!" GingerBright said as she heard the doorbell ring.

"It's probably my mom." Wizard put the two cards in his hand on the table and sighed. "Dangit I was just about to win as well...."

"Haha, don't worry! You can beat us next time we all hang out again!" GingerBrave said smiling and setting his cards down as well. "Speaking of which, I think we should all hang out again soon."

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Strawberry added in.

"I think that would be great." Wizard said genuinely smiling. "I don't think my mothers would mind."

"Heyy! It's your mom!" Bright called to Wizard cutting off their conversation.

"Oh yeah, I have to go. It was really fun though, we should definitely do this again soon!" He stood up but before he could leave he was caught in a hug from GingerBrave.

"Yeah! That would be awesome!" He said squeezing him tighter.

Wizards face flushed red. "UHM- Your hugs are really tight-! Can you please.... losen up a bit?!" He said as he tried to wriggle himself free.

"Shoot, sorry! I didn't hurt you, did I?" Brave said immediately letting go.

"No, i- it just caught me off guard..." He muttered.

"It's GingerBrave. Always expect a hug before you leave." Strawberry said getting up. "It was nice to see you again, Wizard. Can I talk to Moonlight a bit before you leave? I haven't seen her in a while soooo...."

"Yeah, sure." He said.

The two walked him to the door where (sure enough) Moonlight was talking with GingerBright. When she saw her kid, Moonlight stopped talking and smiled at Wizard.

"Hi ma!" He said giving her a hug. Moonlight embraced the hug and accidentally picked him off the ground a little bit. "AH- put me down mom!" He said giggling. She laughed along with him.

"Sorry, I just missed you!" She said setting him back down on the ground. "I was talking with this friend of yours, it seems like you are all getting along well. Did you have fun?" She asked.

"Mhm, I had a good time. Oh, Strawberry wants to talk to you!" He said moving aside so the cookie with the pink hoodie could step forward.

"Hi Moonlight." Strawberry said. "Can we uh.... talk over there a little?" She asked pointing to a spot a few yards away from the house. The adult furrowed her brows, Strawberry was acting weird. But whatever she had to say must be important, so she nodded. Wizard, Brave, and Bright were already infused in a conversation so they didn't really take notice to the two walking away.

" What is it Strawberry? You look like you have something important to say, what's wrong?" Moonlight asked concerned.

"Uhm, I-its nothing really. Im just a little worried about Wizard." She said. "He's been acting a-lot more.... happy? I mean it's not a bad thing of course, but I don't know the state he's in right now. Is he still...." She paused and looked around before whispering the word. "...suicidal?"

Moonlight understood the child's worry now. She sighed. "Strawberry Cookie, I think you may be overlooking this. I think he may be genuinely happy, BUT I am keeping a close eye on him if that makes you feel any better."

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now