Ch2. Lunch

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(Is this confusing to read? Cuz I just wrote this outta boredom LOL)

Wizard grabbed his food tray and scanned the auditorium (Lunch room? Dining area? Idk what it is imma call it an auditorium.) When he finally caught sight of the group he was looking for he started over to the table. The ponytailed cookie was the first one who noticed him, giving a nudge to GingerBrave. He looked over to where the other kid was standing, smiled, and waved him over. Wizard returned an awkward smile, went over and sat down next to him.

He inhaled, "Sooooo... about what happened earlier-"

"Don't mention it. We talked it over and I can't say we can judge you for it just yet, besides we barely even know you... I mean except for Strawberry that is." GingerBrave cut in.

"Oh, a- are you sure?" GingerBrave nodded. "Oh, well in that case can I get your guys names? It feels kind of rude sitting here barley knowing them." Wizard said.

"Of course! I'm GingerBrave, this is GingerBright, also yes we're related, and as you know this is Strawberry." He said pointing to each of his friends as he said their name. "I have more friends, but I hang out with them the most." He said motioning to them.

"You have more than one friend? Like, actual friends not fake ones?" Wizard asked.

"Things are different here, Wizard. The people are nicer here and it's easier to make friends." Strawberry said. "It's so much better here. Yes, the education system is not as good as our other school, but you can walk down a hallway alone and not be afraid of randomly being shoved against a locker or beaten up." Strawberry said.

"Was your school that bad..?" GingerBrave asked, now very concerned.

"Well yeah, it was normal for us though. So we stuck together." Wizard replied.

"That is NOT normal. Heck, you two should've called the police!" GingerBright said.

"We didn't know..." Strawberry mumbled.

"Well now that I know this I don't blame you in the slightest for acting like that! At least you saw that it was wrong immediately." GingerBrave said.

"Only because Strawberry said that I was acting like one of them. I would never want someone to go through that, I'm sorry." Wizard said rubbing his wrist.

"Dude don't you think you've apologized enough?" GingerBright cut in.

"Am I apologizing too much? I didn't think I was apologizing enough.." Wizard replied.

"Strawberry, why did you never tell us how bad your school was? We've been friends for like almost a year and a half now!" GingerBrave said.

"I told you I don't like talking about it." She answered.

"I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to remember that either." GingerBright said.

"Maybe we should stop talking about the school, can you guys tell me a little bit about yourselves? Strawberry doesn't look like she changed much, she looks happier though! How about you? All I got from you so far was energy." He said to GingerBright.

"You pretty much just summed me up in that one sentence haha- I dunno how to explain myself, just hang out with me more and you'll see." She shrugged.

"They're both very similar." Strawberry said motioning between Brave and Bright.

"You like me better though right?" GingerBright joked, nudging her.

"I- uh- well.... uhm.." Strawberry stuttered.

"Bright, don't start this argument, we both know damn well she likes us both. I mean she may like you a little bit better, but let's not argue about it." GingerBrave said rolling his eyes.

"Oh, I guess I'll just get to know you guys by hanging out with you then." Wizard said.

GingerBrave pulled out a notepad and wrote something down, ripped out the paper and handed it to Wizard. On closer inspection, it was a phone number.

"If you ever need anything hit me up." He winked making a phone motion with his hand.
GingerBright rolled her eyes.

"Did you at least give him my number too?" She asked.

"No thats your job." He said crumbling up a wrapper from his granola bar and throwing it in her face. She groaned and he rolled his eyes "Ugh fine, I'll text it to him once we get this settled." GingerBrave said.

"Hey guys... Thanks for being so cool with everything." Wizard said.

"Yeah no problem!" GingerBrave said.

"It was nice to see you again after all this time." Strawberry said.

"Same here."

Then they ate their lunch or something until the bell went off idk-


Sorry for this shortass chapter 💀

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