Ch.16 Truth or Dare

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This was supposed to be published before I left but uhmm I forgot so yeah...

Enjoyyyyy!!! :3

"BRIIIIGGHHTTTTT!" GingerBrave whined. "You got your snot and water all over my food!"

"Hey! It's not my fault you made me wheeze so hard!" GingerBright replied annoyed, still giggling a little as she wiped her face and nose with a napkin. "It burns ugghh... it feels like my nostrils are on fire!"

"Ewwww... That's so disgusting! You suck!" GingerBright opened her mouth to say something but GingerBrave immediately cut in, "I MEANT YOU'RE THE WORST! Grah... I'm going to strangle you!"

"Oh yeah? Wanna try me? Huh goth boy?!" She cracked her knuckles and grinned.


"Kids, no wrestling at the dinner table." Milk said calmly while watching them argue.

"Sorry Milk..." Both of the siblings apologized and tilted their heads down in shame before GingerBright hit GingerBrave upside the head and they both started fighting again. This time less physically.

Moonlight shook her head. "I'm so glad you two never argued like that." She smiled lightly. Herb and Wizard looked at each other and shrugged.

"Should I should them to stop?" Yam asked politely to his husband, getting ready to let out the loudest, most boisterous, ear piercing, heart rattling scream you've ever heard.

Immediately the two humanified gingerbread cookies stopped arguing.

"NO SIR!" GingerBrave said while sitting up straight in his seat.

"Sorry! Sorry!" GingerBright quickly added.

Yam chuckled, "Good. Besides, you kids don't want to make a bad impression in front of your new friends mothers, do you?"

GingerBrave went silent.

GingerBright shook her head, "No, but we're just playing around! And it's Braves fault that we're arguing anyways, right Strawberry?"

Strawberry stayed silent being put on the spot like that. She turned her head down to look at the floor.

Wizard chuckled, "Of course you choose Strawberry out of all people to back you up." He shook his head. "I for one think you guys are both to blame for arguing, since an argument takes two people." He paused. "Buuut it's mostly your fault, GingerBright." He smirked.

Strawberry looked up and nodded, "Yeahhh... I'm gonna have to agree with him. Sorry Bright." She giggled. GingerBright gasped dramatically, looking betrayed, backstabbed, double crossed and utterly cheated.

Wizard rolled his eyes and grabbed a new plate, filling it with a good heaping of food. He then brought it over to GingerBrave and took his old plate. "Here you go." He set the new dish down in front of him before turning to GingerBright. "Bright, watch where you're snorting next time." He smiled and flicked her shoulder and then gave GingerBrave a light pat.

GingerBrave blushed slightly in response.

GingerBright somehow didn't notice this moment and only noticed Wizard flicking her shoulder. "Heyyyy..." She frowned. "It's not my fault he made me laugh so hard!"

"It is your fault though!" GingerBrave exclaimed.

"You two calm down before Milk gets Yam to tell you two to settle down." Moonlight said sweetly. The twins immediately went silent and stuffed their mouth with food as to not argue.

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