Important stuff i think

730 11 5

They're all 16

I'm going to describe their outfits bc I forgor to add it in the story cuz I'm dum 🥲

GingerBrave wears his regular April fools outfit because let's be honest, he looks good enough already 😳 (jkjk lol)

Wizards wearing something like this (but maybe in dark blue):

 (Please don't murder me for taking his hat and scarf) I may change it later bc I don't really think this fits 😅

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(Please don't murder me for taking his hat and scarf) I may change it later bc I don't really think this fits 😅

Also he has longer hair bc yes-

I searched school outfits and found this and it's perfect for GingerBright 😭:

Strawberry wears something like the top image, but replace the top with her pink hoodie

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Strawberry wears something like the top image, but replace the top with her pink hoodie. Also nothings covering her face, but she still wears her hood up.

I will draw this.... Eventually!

(Thumbnail will be changed it has nothing to do with the book I just like it)

Okay here are the ships in this book:

WizardBrave (duh)



Maybe ChiliRye? What's the ship name anyway? Idk but I feel like Bright and Brave should have more than one parental figure 💀

Also maybe CloveHerb but it's highly unlikely 👍

(May add more later-)

Hc bc idk:

GingerBrave is Pan

GingerBright is Les

Strawberry is Bi

Wizard is a certified gay (because we love gay people/hj)

Idk may add more 💀

EDIT: forgot to mention this book is inspired by this wizardbrave fanfic! (Also my wild imagination 😌):

(Oh man that's a LONG link..... just search up the counselors favorite wizardbrave 😭)

A new start...? (WizardBrave high school au)Where stories live. Discover now